Thursday, September 3, 2020

Smoking is very Glamorous Essay Example

Smoking is Glamorous Paper A Poster is as characterized in the Oxford word reference a bulletin posted or showed in an open spot as a declaration or notice. The point of a banner is to sell an item, or to get a perspective across to a huge objective crowd. The banners delivered generally fall into 3 primary types, enlightening, Political and business purposes. Posters typically can have a gigantic effect on its crowd by catching eye through chuckling, dissent or questions. To accomplish a greatest objective crowd they are set in open regions for example busy streets and lanes on boards, on the open vehicle framework London Underground, Busses, trains, films, processing plants, shops and shopping territories. Throughout the years banners have needed to develop the structures and the jargon. Likewise they have needed to mull over the current natural and social issues that are especially touchy. An awesome case of this is the old Bovril advert where a bull is investigating a container of Bovril grieving the loss of his sibling. For the time being that would seem disagreeable to veggie lovers and those worried about basic entitlements and creature government assistance. Bovril is as yet publicized however in an unmistakably progressively fitting way. Present day banners have advanced with social and ecological issues as well as in their structures graphically and symbolism. This is expected an excessive amount of further developed innovation for print, photography, 3d, turn and lightening. Fig 1 Fig 2 Poster 1 Smoking is very Glamorous This is one of a progression of banners delivered in USA by the American Cancer Society, which focuses on the results of smoking. This banner (fig 2) has an image of an individual I utilize the term an individual, as it is exceptionally hard to distinguish whether it is a male or female, this individual is perhaps old and has enormous sacks under their eyes and is wrinkled. They are depicting a terrible, filthy individual who has smoked for their entire life. In their grasp is a cigarette, which they are taking a long hard delay. We will compose a custom article test on Smoking is Glamorous explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Smoking is exceptionally Glamorous explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Smoking is extremely Glamorous explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer This picture is portraying an extremely filthy picture, which as indicated by the wording is intended to be glitzy. I feel this is inferring that smoking is an appalling and messy propensity. The wording underneath is composed to be wry saying smoking is extremely charming it is utilizing a play on the words as from this image you really get a totally unique message you can unmistakably observe that smoking isn't at all alluring. This banner is powerful as you read the words first since they truly stick out and afterward the picture hits you and makes you truly think, it is a serious discouraging picture, inconspicuously showing the impacts of maturing and sick wellbeing all outcomes of long haul smoking. It positively has the capacities of having an effect and catching the intended interest groups eye. It has made the picture from the originator to the beneficiary that it isn't generally as exciting as certain individuals have said and that it can execute you. Since the period of Jazz, Hollywood depicted the picture of smoking as the intention for look breathtaking as can be found in the advert in fig 1, so when this advert showed up during the 1970s it repudiated that picture with gigantic impact. Banner 2 This beverage has been evaluated for full grown crowds only Fig 3 I have picked this banner to take a gander at for what it's worth on the opposite side of Health issues and that is advancing liquor. Advancing liquor is an extremely delicate subject as individuals are considerably more wellbeing consious and worried about medical problems and like cigaretttes liquor is an addictive medication the base of all detestable. Here (fig3) this is the Dewars Scotch advert for the beverage Absolute Vodka. You can see an alluring ladies on the top holding a plate with glasses of drink presumably vodka on it plainly upbeat and making the most of her self. Underneath her is a jug of the vodka tighly secure in a chain, latch and key with the words This beverage has been evaluated for developed crowds as it were. From the outset sight this advert is giving the message to the beneficiary to dishearten them from under age drinking. I feel that the liquor business doesn't need the under age to drink yet it needs to advance an inspirational disposition towards drink before they begin drinking. This advert is I feel one of those from the originator focused on those teenagers who are on edge to go into grown-up life by practically promising them with the words This beverage has been evaluated for full grown crowds as it were As expressed in the Advertising Age item picture is presumably the most significant component in selling alcohol Dewars Scotch ran this advert as a major aspect of its effective long running effort for Absolut vodka figuring out how to make that picture. As should be obvious in the banner it centers around the state of the jug and the word Absolut I think they are attempting to promate it as absolut flawlessness subsequently why the container is set in a corona. What the chains represent I don't know but rather I do feel if that you are an issue consumer you will be tied to that bottle. I do feel that this advert is focused on the picture, and making that picture of drinking attractive. I do feel this isn't useful for the eventual fate of our age the kids and young people. Cigarettes need to convey a Government Health cautioning and are restricted to where and how the adverts are shown and I do feel that liquor ought to be dealt with the equivalent, as opposed to promted as provocative like the cigarettes were up to world war two.

Saturday, August 22, 2020


IKEA Proposal On watching the historical backdrop of IKEA one notes that the organization is for the most part worried about arrangement of value items to clients at a sensible cost. In light of this position the organization has kept on endeavoring to offer very much planned and practical home outfitting items (IKEA, 2011). The fundamental goal of the organization in selling reasonable goods is to improve the lives of more people.Advertising We will compose a custom contextual investigation test on WiTricity explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More It has been accounted for that IKEA gets the above way of thinking from its organizer who unequivocally wanted to build up a business that centers around bringing down expenses however looking after quality. In endeavors to bring down expenses IKEA utilizes a wide assortment of procedures that have demonstrated compelling and permit the organization to appreciate achievement universally (IKEA,2011). It depends on these quali ties that his report creates a proposition to utilize forefront innovation and the company’s business information to give top notch reasonable lighting answers for the clients. To increase a superior comprehension of the potential for this proposition it is important to envision a future where the exchange of intensity from source to machine is conceivable without the utilization of wires. It has been built up that investigation into remote power transmission started path in 1905 (Maruf, 2010). During this period one Serbian designer names Nikola Tesla started development on what was to be the main force station that would transmit power remotely around the world. This venture flopped after his agents pulled out refering to that the task was excessively implausible and accordingly had all the earmarks of being a misuse of assets. Nonetheless, endeavors of certain physicists from MIT seem, by all accounts, to be making critical progress with this exploration and an answer show s up t be in the offing. The physicists made the firm, WiTricity which is among various worldwide elements that builds up a wide scope of apparatuses used to control up contraptions (Maryum, 2010). The way wherein this firm expects to get rid of wires is using curls. The transmission of intensity between the source and gadget happens through these curls fitted on the gadget and the force source (Maryum, 2010). The objective of this is to permit power to be transmitted over mid range separates that will permit transmission from a divider to the center of the room (Maryum, 2010). This takes into consideration noteworthy disentanglement of a few errands, for example, lighting. In typical conditions setting up the lighting for a room will require huge cabling to be performed inside the room. In any case, with the utilization of innovation, for example, that recommended by WiTricity, IKEA will have the option to make huge decreases on the expense of inside dã ©cor products.Advertising L ooking for contextual investigation on business financial aspects? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is accepted that this proposition is good given the mission of IKEA and its way to deal with business. It has just been seen that IKEA is centered around arrangement of top notch reasonable items and improving the life of its clients (IKEA 2011). Through abusing this open door the organization can go above and beyond in making a name as a trend-setter in the furniture business. This isn't to make reference to the way that the patent to this item can permit its abuse in numerous future family items. For instance, it has been noticed that because of the effortlessness related with WiTricity it is conceivable to manufacture the loop for power under a table. This table will therefore naturally take out the requirement for capacity to gadgets, for example, PCs, cellphones, iron boxes, and so on that might be utilized on its surface (Maryum, 2010). This item whenever licensed would permit IKEA to deliver a wide scope of items also create a lot of income in offer of rights (See Appendix A). Attainability Study Given the capability of this proposition it is imperative to with some possibility discoveries to help learn the potential gainfulness of the proposed adventure. As per Zaharuddin such discoveries can be looked for in three regions in particular, money related, natural and specialized (2008). Given this is a proposition whose achievement depends incredibly on the working of an outer item, eh specialized possibility would need to be founded on specialized information on the side of this item. Having given a hypothetical expectation corresponding to remote power, the MIT bunch set out on functional tests. During the time spent doing testing the MIT bunch figured out how to light a 60W light utilizing a force source situated During these tests they had the option to light a 60W bulb from a force source seven feet away without a physical association between the source and bulb (Hadley, 2007). The remote transmission of intensity is conceivable through various methodologies. One of the main ways to deal with be endeavored was the utilization of radiation strategies. This involves the utilization of electromagnetic radiation to transmit the force. The fundamental inadequacy of this methodology is that radiation spreads every which way and is along these lines unsatisfactory for power appropriation as it would cause huge wastage (Hadley, 2007). Rather than utilizing radiation techniques, WiTricity utilized attractive coupled reverberation to play out the force transmission among source and machine. This is because of the way that two full items that bear comparative thunderous recurrence will in general trade vitality proficiently (Hadley, 2007). This methodology was then used with attractively coupled resonators to take into consideration vitality move in any event, when critical separati on existed between the articles. Notwithstanding insignificant impedance, it has been seen that utilization of this methodology guarantees there is substantially less wastage of intensity (Hadley, 2007).Advertising We will compose a custom contextual investigation test on WiTricity explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The following perspective worth considering comparable to this proposition is the ecological practicality of the proposition. It has been noticed that remote power may not be as productive as utilizing a link yet its natural advantages make it a beneficial thought (Maruf, 2010). This is because of the huge improvement in the condition that is probably going to be seen by its appropriation. For instance, straightforward gadgets, for example, remote consoles utilize 4 batteries to work. During 2010 the interest for such batteries prompted the creation of around 40 billion units. The ecological effect on produce a solitary battery is like that brought ab out by driving a vehicle for three miles (Maruf, 2010). In light of this it is conceivable to perceive how appropriation of WiTricity could make significant upgrades in our condition. Obviously simply this straightforward move in innovation will prompt significant decreases in green house gas outflows. It ought to be noticed that given improvement of life is one of IKEA’s objectives WiTricity could fill in as a helpful item. The last evaluation that will be made in this area will be according to the budgetary plausibility related with the proposition. It ought to be noticed that because of the way that the item has just been inquired about the possibilities of its utilization are a lot more brilliant because of the diminished research speculation and huge industry consideration it is getting (Kim, 2011). Among the significant global organizations that have demonstrated enthusiasm for the item incorporate Apple, who might need to utilize the innovation in improving charging in novation utilized in their gadgets. Intel is likewise answered to test the utilization of this innovation inside a portion of their offices. This enthusiasm for the item will thusly mean economies of scale that propose the item cost won't be excessively high. This is because of the way that critical enthusiasm from different gatherings will build creation limit and consider more noteworthy dissemination of benefits. Upper hand Assessment Once an item has been recognized it is fundamental for its prosperity that the organization builds up a technique that will situate its items deliberately inside the market (Wimmer, Lee, Quella Polak, 2010). This is because of the way that vital situating of the firm in the commercial center assumes a significant job in deciding the fate of the company.Advertising Searching for contextual investigation on business financial aspects? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More This position recommends a survey of the ecological strategic vision of the organization (Wimmer et al., 2010). Given that IKEA has just recognized a need to energize the utilization of reasonable materials and advancement to improve way of life, this report will concentrate on the most proficient method to utilize this to situate the organization in the commercial center. The above position fills in as an extremely urgent point for IKEA and the proposition to utilize WiTricity in future items. Flow apparatuses utilize electric force that is conveyed to the gadget through a string (Mchale, 2009). The force that is used from a line prompts wastage because of electrical vampirism. This happens because of the way that corded apparatuses tend t attract up to 20% more power than required (Mchale, 2009). This position is additionally confused by the way that this 20% includes every day and contributes a huge add up to our inevitable use on power. The utilization of remote power is subseque ntly fit for achieving as much as 20% investment funds to the power bill of a customary house hold (Mchale, 2009). The item ha sbeen saw as exceptionally effective when the force accessible to an apparatus and force drawn for the source is looked at. In view of information it has been discovered that the utilization of WiTricity can expand effectiveness to as much as 90% (WiTricity, 2011). This possibility to realize sensible investment funds makes this item entirely reasonable for the market and gives a vital way to deal with increase a competitiv

Friday, August 21, 2020

Nietzsche essays

Nietzsche papers Nietzsche: The Man and His Philosophy The book I read on Friedrich Nietzsche was basically separated into four separate parts. Section one of the book comprised of Nietzsche as a kid, student, and a understudy. The second piece of the novel talked about Nietzsche and his life as an educator. The third and fourth pieces of the book contained the defining moment of his life and afterward his Numerous says that Nietzsches theory is exceptionally unexpected due to the foundation from which he was raised. His dad, granddad, and extraordinary granddads had all been Lutherans going back to the start of the seventeenth century. Friedrich Nietzsche was conceived on October fifteenth, 1844 in Rocken. Minister Nietzsche had named his child after the new leader of Prussia, Friedrich Nietzsche. Friedrich went through his initial five years of living in a support situated on the open country. After his dad kicked the bucket at age 36, he left the nationalistic underlying foundations of his family and turned into a rootless cosmopolitan. This end up being a colossal occasion in Friedrichs life, and he recorded it in a wistful piece known as Aus Friedrichs scholarly and creative capacities had been obvious since the time he was a little kid, so when he got a full grant to the popular Pforta school, it was no shock. He was at last presented to Wagner by his childhood companion Krug, however subsequent to leaving Pforta for Bonn and Leipzig, he never talked with Krug again. In school Nietzsche became exceptionally keen on old Greek and Latin, just as arithmetic and technical studies. He was viewed as the best understudy in the school, yet he bombed the science part of the test. In view of his greatness in traditional examinations, the analysts asked Gentleman, are we truly going to bomb the best student Pforta has ever had? So Friedrich passed. Nietzsche likewise considered Shakespeare and Lord Byron in school with a German ... <! nietzsche expositions When scrutinizing the issue of our reality one must go to the essential inquiries, for example, If we exist, at that point who made us? Numerous strict and otherworldly individuals would have an exceptionally basic answer...God. So this leads the scrutinizing logician to ask how would we realize that God exists? This is an inquiry that can be taken a gander at with a wide range of points of view and first inquiries. In the segment of The Gay Science, entitled The Madman, Nietzsche asserts that our absence of confidence has lead to Gods end (Nietzsche, The Gay Science, 181). Without God how might we exist? Nietzsches answer would be that it isn't Gods presence, however the nearness of our individual self-sufficiency, that is our reality. Nietzsche lived in a period of extraordinary political, social and strict change, and in his philosophical assessment of society, Nietzsche found that the main philosophical perfect that could be identified with these cutting edge times, was skepticism. Nietzsche accepted that in light of the social unsteadiness, because of radical change, the ways of thinking of the antiquated Greeks, for example, Plato just as the methods of reasoning of current rationalists were not, at this point material. The purpose behind the absence of legitimacy in the goals of every single other scholar was that society had recently had religion as a safeguard. Nietzsche believed that one of the key issues with society is that people felt that when there was an absence of importance in ones life religion was there to swear by. This reliance on religion was one of societys key philosophical misguided judgments. As indicated by Nietzsche, the main path for reasoning to have any legitimacy was through ones ind ividual self-rule and the applying of methods of reasoning to a person. (Solomon, 97). Society was too flimsy to be in any way comprehended through every past way of thinking those of both current and antiquated occasions. The key issue in these overwhelmingly Christian ways of thinking was that Christianity deno... <! Nietzsche papers Nietzsche accepts that individuals in his time are misleading. That is the reason he reprimands individuals. Nietzsche accepts that he is the voice of every single persecuted individuals. He accepts there is another age coming and it is known as the nightfall of the icons. He feels this new ear will undercut Christian power, which has commanded the people groups lifestyle as yet. The nightfall shows that the sun is at last setting. The Christian symbols will dive and new arrangements of qualities are being made. Through ancestry, which is the family tree of mankind, Nietzsche will give an authentic record to disclose how we got to this time. Nietzsche feels that ancestry must be dim, not blue. It can't be blue, since blue represents the sky. Parentage can't be worried about loftiness or stature; rather family history must be worried about low or base causes. The reason for the investigate shows that our customary qualities get from modest causes. Likewise, estimations of pity and ben evolence make us need to demolish ourselves. People have never looked to know themselves; along these lines this is simply the main examination of the. In this article I will ideally have the option to look at Nietzsches ancestry, recreate the genealogical stage, lastly break down the trait of the overman. There are three inquiries worried about ancestry. Nobody has ever scrutinized the word an incentive previously. So Neitzsche asks, What is the term esteem? Until this point benevolence was viewed as the most noteworthy worth. He will legitimize his ethical way of thinking on The tame will Inherit the earth, at that point all the implications must be switched. Whatever presence of mind lets us know is acceptable is currently terrible, in light of the fact that good judgment discloses to us the genuine estimation of magnanimity. The subsequent inquiry manages the genuine bogus inversion, on the off chance that the case the reality of the situation was turned around, which switched it, at that point for what reason did the inversion adulterate the worth? He utilizes the cleric t... <!

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Intellectual Property and Social Media - Free Essay Example

ABSTRACT: Social media has become an important object for the business. Increasing exposure and traffics are the main two benefits of social media. One of the main reason is no language barrier. Social media platforms help to connect with the customers, increase awareness and boost leads and sales. Social media is an effective key for spreading any information. As the increasing use of visual info graphic on social media trademarks has begun to show more interest in various social media platforms. The purpose of this study is to know about the emerging social media era and how it is affecting the IPR of an individual. This study provides a snapshot of the challenges of intellectual property protection in social media landscape. Rapid advancements in social media are creating challenges for courts, as existing laws were written when social media was not in exist. Keywords: Social media, intellectual property, internet, social media platforms, business, statistics. INTRODUCTION: Social media has made many changes to several areas of human venture. Since it is universal that’s why it has raised great concern to humanity and posed a challenge to intellectual property rights and laws. Intellectual property issues which surrounding copyright law, are issues every business is likely to encounter when engaging with customers via social media. Copying and pasting a picture, song, video, document, GIF, or webpage onto your business’ profile to share through social media is easy. And many social media users are doing it. Sharing original works of authors by others, unless you have clear permission to do so it is an violation of the copyright law and meant to protect, and by extension promote, the creation of original content. And intentionally or unintentionally associating your business, your products, or your service with the trademarks of another can open you to liability for infringement. The business owners are fighting their way to ensure that intellectual property rights are recognized, respected and exploited by the possessors of such rights. This ever expansive authority of intellectual property rights which are embedded in trademarks, copyrights, patents, designs, publicity rights and trade secrets helps to create an authorized ground for the corporate industry to exploit the value of their untouchable assets in an ever increasingly global marketplace. Recently, a compelling intellectual property debate occurred during the Congressional questioning of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on April 10 and 11, 2018. In which Zukerberg commented that every piece of content that the user shares on Facebook , is own by the user, and the user has complete control over who sees it and how it is shared, and can be removed any time. This comment raises several important questions. One of them was â€Å"if a user’s rights in photo or data shared through Facebook depend on Facebook’s disclosures and terms of service, should such disclosures and terms be regulated? If so, how?† Zuckerberg was asked to appear before Congress after news spread of allegations that a University of Cambridge professor obtained data on potentially 87 million Facebook users, including Zuckerberg himself, through a personality quiz and then shared such data with Cambridge Analytica, whose services were retained by. Customers, including the 2016 presidential election campaign for Donald Trump. While Congress debates whether it should regulate the content of written terms of service that govern the relationship between social media sites and consumers— much like they regulate loan documents that govern the relationship between lenders and consumers. What is intellectual property? Intellectual property is a term used to tell the rights which may result from intellectual activities in the industrial, scientific, literary and artistic spheres and includes patents, trademarks, commercial names and designations, industrial designs, geographical indications, copyright and related rights and protection against unfair competition. The two categories of Intellectual property are: Industrial Property: It includes patents for inventions, industrial designs, geographical indications and trademarks. Copyright: It covers literature, films, music, artistic works (e.g., drawings, paintings, photographs and sculptures) and architectural design. Rights related to copyright include those of performing artists in their performances, producers of phonograms in their recordings, and broadcasters in their radio and television programs. Intellectual Property Rights: These are like any other property right. They allow creators, or owners, of patents, trademarks or copyrighted works to benefit from their own work or investment in a creation. These rights are outlined in Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which provides for the right to benefit from the protection of moral and material interests resulting from authorship of scientific, literary or artistic productions. There are three intellectual property rights and these are: Patents, Copyright and Trademarks these are the three basics intellectual property rights. Patents: A patent is a right granted for an invention, product or process that provides a new way of doing something, or that gives a new technical solution to a problem. A patent provides patent owners with protection for their inventions. Protection is granted for a limited period, generally 20 years. Trademark: A trademark is a distinctive sign that identifies certain goods or services produced or provided by an individual or a company for the protection. The system helps consumer to identify and purchase a product or service based on whether its specific characteristics and quality – as indicated by its unique trademark – meet their needs. Geographical Indications: A geographical indication is a sign used on products that have a specific geographical origin and possess qualities or a reputation due to that place of origin. Most commonly, a geographical indication consists of the name of the place of origin of the products. Agricultural products have qualities that derive from their place of production and are affected by specific local geographical factors, such as climate and soil. METHODOLOGIES Because of the exposure of social media it has become increasingly important for individuals and businesses to increase their plans to protect their intellectual property by developing a strategy for addressing infringement of IP and other rights that take place on social media websites. There is a wide range of concerns especially due to the fact that by using the social media, not all users distributed original content, not all users remained their selves, but adopted identities of others, used the social media platforms to harass their real world enemies. Data collected by Internet World Stats shows the internet usage of the world population is: Taking into consideration this fact and that today we live in a â€Å"digital† society, the concept of intellectual property, is faced with new legal challenges. The question that arises from this increasing society context is the influence of the social media in everyday life and especially in the protection of intellectual property rights. In today’s world no one can deny the power of the social media, however the issue of controlling this power is rather concerning. With the involvement of the Internet and the social media in our lives it is becoming hard to keep our data safe. This new situation demands the rights holders to ask protection of their intellectual property rights. It is widely known that the value of the intellectual property rights in practice depends on whether the owner of the rights is capable of undertaking necessary measures to prevent others from infringing its rights. IPRs benefit individuals and the society as mentioned by World Intellectual Property Organization includes: The multibillion dollar film, recording, publishing and software industries would not exist without copyright protection. Without the rewards provided by the patent system, researchers and inventors continue to produce better and more efficient products for consumers. Consumers would have no means to buy products or services without reliable, international trademark. Following policies are adopted by the famous social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube in order to protect IPR of user: Facebook You will not post content or take any action on Facebook that infringes or violates someone else’s rights or otherwise violates the law. We can remove any content or information you post on Facebook if we believe that it violates this Statement or our policies. We provide you with tools to help you protect your intellectual property rights. To learn more, visit our How to Report Claims of Intellectual Property Infringement page. If we remove your content for infringing someone else’s copyright, and you believe we removed it by mistake, we will provide you with an opportunity to appeal. If you repeatedly infringe other people’s intellectual property rights, we will disable your account when appropriate. † Twitter Twitter respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects users of the Services to do the same. They will respond to notices of alleged copyright infringement that comply with applicable law and are properly provided to us. If you believe that your Content has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, do provide them the following information: 1. A physical or electronic signature of the copyright owner or a person authorized to act on their behalf. 2. Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed. 3. Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material. 4. Your contact information, including your address, telephone number, and an email address. 5. A statement by you that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law. 6. A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and, under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner. 7. Twitter reserve the right to remove Content alleged to be infringing without prior notice, at our sole discretion, and without liability to you. In appropriate circumstances, Twitter will also terminate a user’s account if the user is determined to be a repeat infringer. 8. Twitter’s Terms of service provide that any copyright infringing content will be taken down. Like Facebook, Twitter also has a form to receive and process infringement complaints. For processing a complaint and taking down content, a complainant must prove that he/she owns the content and the content on Twitter is infringing. Accounts of repeat infringers will be terminated. Twitter has separate policies for trademark and character infringements. YouTube 1. YouTube operates a clear copyright policy in relation to any Content that is alleged to infringe the copyright of a third party. Details of that policy can be found here: 2. As part of YouTube’s copyright policy, YouTube will terminate user access to the service if a user has been determined to be a repeat infringer. A repeat infringer is a user who has been notified of infringing activity more than twice.† 3. Like Facebook and Twitter, YouTube also has a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) take down policy for removing copyright infringing content. More than two notifications of infringement will make a user, a repeat infringer on YouTube. Repeat infringement can result in loss of access of account. YouTube also has a complaint form for reporting trademark infringement. A channel that infringes a trademark can be blocked or terminated. While taking down the content, Social Media platforms must consider whether the use falls within the scope of fair use. Content need not be taken down if the use is fair. In a recent case, YouTube did not take down a video even after receiving a complaint from Universal Music stating that the video includes its copyrighted song, â€Å"Let’s Go Crazy.† A child was shown dancing in the song, and YouTube considered it fair use. There are two main reasons for protection of intellectual property rights. The first is to give required expression to the moral and economic rights of creators in their creations and such rights of the public in access to those creations. The second is to promote, as a deliberate act of Government policy, creativity and application of its results and to encourage fair trading which would contribute to economic and social development. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Why are patents necessary? By recognizing the creativity, patents provide rewards to individual for their innovation and marketable invention which in turn enhances the quality of human life. In this era of social media environment which has opened the gates of transparency for every individual, trademarks could be lost and as such, prosecuting its infringement can be challenging if its uniqueness is not highlighted. Trade-marks must be distinctive and must not be confused with the brands or trade-marks of others. If the owner does not take steps to prevent or stop infringements of the trade-mark, the uniqueness of the mark could be lost and the trade-mark could then be open to challenge. Social media can increase the risk to trade-mark owners of losing uniqueness in their marks and therefore potentially risk the trade-mark itself. That is because of the widespread spreading of information through social media and the lack of control trade-mark owners can have over their brands, such that the distinctiveness can be taken away over time. WIPO identifies the essence of trademarks thus: 1. Trademarks promote initiative and enterprise worldwide by rewarding their owners with recognition and financial profit. 2. Trademark protection also hinders the efforts of unfair competitors, such as counterfeiters, to use similar distinctive signs to market inferior or different products or services. 3. The system enables people with skill and enterprise to produce and market goods and services in the fairest possible conditions, thereby facilitating international trade. Trademark protection ensures that the owners of marks have the exclusive right to use them to identify goods or services, or to authorize others to use them in return for payment. The period of protection varies, but a trademark can be renewed indefinitely upon payment of the corresponding fees. Trademark protection is legally enforced by courts that, in most systems, have the authority to stop trademark infringement. CHALLANGES With the arrival of social media, intellectual property issues have been confronted with new and sometimes complex challenges. The social media technologies that encourage the sharing of contents across different communication channels have brought about new difficulties in enforcing copyright, and inspired additional challenges to the basic legal philosophy of copyright. The global entertainment industry in particular has fought diligently against the free use, copying, and distribution of electronic music, videos, and movies. Many businesses in their bid to protect their intellectual property have advocated for the same copyright protection to be extended to new media. There is a wide range of concerns especially due to the fact that by using the social media, not all users distributed original content, not all users remained their selves, but adopted identities of others, used the social media platforms to harass their real world enemies. The large amount of cases that have arisen around the world show that â€Å"user generated content† is not the same thing as â€Å"user created content†. Content exchanged between individuals online is not always â€Å"content generated by a user† but, rather, â€Å"content created by a copyright holder who has not authorized its generation by the user. In other words, its publication in social media is said to constitute a breach of the holder’s copyright. The nature of social media is both a curse and a blessing for rights holders. The blessing is that content that violates rights might be deleted.From social media sites before they have been widely viewed, downloaded or shared.Unwanted questions abound on the Internet. This means that many times one can get materials that one did not subscribe to. There appears to be ‘nowhere to hide’ for many people, in terms of their privacy i.e. privacy intrusion takes place. Intellectual property rights are rights given to people over the creation of their minds. Creators such as authors, artists, inventors, designers, musicians, photographers, producers and directors are entitled to exclusive rights to use and economically exploit their work. These rights must be respected by all. Thus, when one uses another’s work, credit must be given to the owner of such work resulting in intellectual property theft. CONCLUSION While social media channels and social platforms represent an opportunity for collaboration and marketing in a new paradigm of communication, one must be mindful of the potential legal issues that may arise. As long as a forward looking, proactive, and coordinated strategy is taken in regards to potential disclosures, an organization may be able to market to the public via social media while avoiding accidently triggering grace periods and or losses to intellectual property rights.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Project Management The Iron Triangle - 1620 Words

In 21st century’s enormously competitive business surrounding, project management has turned into a key concept to implement and comprehend projects attempted by every one of the organizations. Before being able to understand that the project management triangle or The Iron Triangle is, a definition of project management is necessary. According to Lewis, scheduling, arranging, and controlling of exercises that have been undertaken to meet project targets is defined as project management. The main objectives that need to be satisfied are cost, quality, and time, while parallel not losing control of the scope of the project at the optimum level. (1995, p. 2). According to Lamers, the genuine image for the project management task is the iron triangle which adjusts triangle’s judgment of the project will be achieved by the three corners speaks to the three essential perspectives scope, cost, and time. (2000, p. 327). This essay has been written to provide focused informatio n on project management triangle’s parameters cost, time, and scope. To gain success in a project and for its successful smooth completion in a timely manner requires standard scheduling tools and techniques to be applied and used in industries. In this essay, some standard project management tools and techniques such as Critical Path Method, Primavera Project Planner, and The Pentagon Model will be discussed. The iron triangle each parameter is very important to get the success of the project. This essayShow MoreRelatedProject Management : The Iron Triangle Of Cost, Time, And Quality907 Words   |  4 PagesHistorically, project success has been directly tied to the Iron Triangle of cost, time, and quality. While most of the articles reviewed for this study refer to these standards for success criteria, the overwhelming majority find that they are not enough to fully define what success is. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

African Americans Influence On Music - 1229 Words

In today’s day and age, it’s easy to hear black culture represented in most hip-hop; that is the dominating music genre that expresses African American views. It’s not so easy to remember where African Americans influence on music al began. Black influence on music today is really unrecognized but it’s important to bring to light just how much African Americans really have contributed to the sound, style, and feel of today’s music. Not just hip-hop or rap, but all kinds of music. There was one particular sound that really changed America and that was Motown. It was one of the most powerful social and cultural changes to happen to the music industry. Motown brought a racially divided country together and touched the hearts of everyone. It all began when songwriter Berry Gordy founded a label, bought a house, and set up a recording studio in the basement in Detroit. One of the many famous bands/artists to be signed by Motown was the Jackson 5. He got them on The Ed Sullivan show and the rest is history. His cliental grew and the talent kept coming. The lyrics and arrangements being made were simple but they spoke to the heart (Cruz 2009). The creativity that came to be because of Motown, created has a strong mark on the backbone of music. Now that we’ve talked a little bit about a predominately black sound and culture, let’s move on to some other genres. Jazz was born in the United States and words like ‘cool’ and ‘hip’ were originally jazz terms. It isn’t totally clear onShow MoreRelatedAfrican American Influence On Music2019 Words   |  9 PagesAfrican American influence in music has been an ever present and controversial subject in American history. Stemming from many different cultures, religions and backgrounds, large portions of American music was introduced by, and credited to African Americans. 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Case Study Return On Capital Employed

Question: Discuss about the Return on Capital Employed. Answer: Introduction: Return on capital employed or ROCE is a kind of profitability ratio which measures the efficiency of a particular enterprise to generate revenue from the capital employed by comparing operating revenue to capital employed. ROCE demonstrates how efficiently the assets of the enterprise are performing taking long term financing into consideration. For this reason it is termed as long term profitability ratio. ROCE is based on two major parts such as operating profit and capital employed. The formula of ROCE: Another formula of ROCE are: As per the given question the ROCE of the company has increased from 16.2% in 2015 to 22.7% in 2016. The reasons for such a huge improvement are discussed as follows: Curtailment of cost:- During February when Qantas decided to reduce the cost for the business by $2 billion for next three years many analyst considered that the aim of achieving cost curtailment is not possible by the company. But the company has become successful in achieving the target of cost savings Qantas also moved quickly on the job cuts, with 4000 of the 5000 planned redundancies to be completed by June, in the process saving it hundreds of millions of dollars annually on wages. Lower oil price:- Qantas has chosen to keep the majority of the gains from the lower oil price rather than pass it on to consumers in the form of lower ticket prices. Qantas loyalty program members redeeming their frequent flyer points for tickets will receive a benefit in the form of an average 14 per cent fall in fuel surcharge on some routes, including flights to the US, Asia, South America and South Africa. It has yet to lower the surcharge on routes covered by its partnership with Emirates, including the Middle East, Europe and North Africa. Lower depreciation charges:- Qantas surprised with even lower depreciation charges than expected in the first half as a result of the retirement of ageing Boeing 767 aircraft. In total, it expects depreciation charges of $1.1 billion this financial year, compared with $1.42 billion last year. That means the bigger depreciation benefit was realised in the first half. Less international competition:- The international capacity outlook is also improving, with rivals lowering their growth rate into Australia as a result of the lower dollar. An organization's cost of debt is the effective rate that itpays on all its debts. The debt of a company usually consists ofbonds, debentures, bank loans, term loan etc. Cost of debt forms a part of a company'scapital structure. Cost of debt is usually expressed in percentage in either of two ways: Before tax or after tax. In cases where interest expenses are tax deductible, the after tax approach is generally considered. The after-tax cost of debt is usually lesser than the before-tax (Pratt and Grabowski, 2008) After tax cost ofdebt = (Before tax cost of debt) x(1 Marginal tax rate). As of Jun. 2016, Qantas Airways Ltd's interest expense (positive number) was $210.214655811 Mil. Its total Book Value of Debt (D) is $3945.24117937 Mil. Cost of Debt = 210.214655811 / 3945.24117937 = 5.3283% (Gurufocus,2016). Cost of equity (also known as cost of common stock) is the minimum rate of return which a company must generate in order to convince investors to invest in the company's common stock at its current market price.Cost of equity is estimated using the capital asset pricing model. Cost of equity under the capital asset pricing model:- Cost of Equity = Risk Free Rate + Beta Coefficient Market Risk Premium Cost of Equity = Risk Free Rate + Beta Coefficient (Market Rate of Return Risk Free Rate) The current risk-free rate is 2.48%. Beta is the sensitivity of the expected excess asset returns to the expected excess market returns. Qantas Airways Ltd's beta is 1.07. (Expected Return of the Market - Risk-Free Rate of Return) is also called market premium. Market premium is estimated to be 7.5%. Cost of Equity = 2.48000000% + 1.07 * 7.5% = 10.505% Weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is the minimum average after-tax necessary rate of return, which a company must earn for all of its stake holders such as common stock-holders, preferred stock-holders and debt-holders(Armitage, 2005). WACC = r(E) w(E) + r(D) (1 t) w(D) WACC = E / (E + D)*Cost of Equity +D / (E + D)*Cost of Debt*(1 - Tax Rate) =0.5669*10.505%+0.4331* 5.3283% *(1 - 28.38%) = 7.61% Weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is the minimum average after-tax necessary rate of return which a company must earn for all of its stake holders such as common stock-holders, preferred stock-holders and debt-holders(Armitage, 2005). The return on invested capital (ROIC) is the percentage amount that a company is making for every percentage point over the Cost of Capital| Weighted Average Cost of Capital (Wilkinson, 2013). As per the given situation, the present ROIC before charging tax is 22.7% but after charging tax the ROIC is 15.9%. On the other hand, WACC of the company is 7.61%. The company is earning 8.29% (15.9% - 7.61%) over and above the weighted average cost of capital. The company is earning well enough to meet the requirement of the shareholders. Therefore the ROIC of 15.9% is well acceptable. But the company have to adapt strategies so that it can increase the wealth of the shareholders. Value of the bond (PB) = c/(1+r) + c/(1+r)2 + c/(1+r)3+ ....... + c/(1+r)10 + B/(1+r)10 PE = 5.5/(1+0.08) + 5.5/(1+0.08)2 + 5.5/(1+0.08)3 + 5.5/(1+0.08)4 +.......+ 5.5/(1+0.08)20 + $20/(1+0.08)10 = 5.5 * 0.9259 + 5.5 * 0.8573+ 5.5 * 0.7938 + 5.5 * 0.7350+ 5.5 *0.6806+5.5*0.6301 + 5.5*0.2145 + $20 * 0.2145 = 26.8521 WACC = E / (E + D)*Cost of Equity +D / (E + D)*Cost of Debt*(1 - Tax Rate) + debt/ cost of debt =0.5669*10.505%+0.4331* 5.3283% *(1 - 28.38%) + 5/(1-26.8521) = 7.80% The company has three investment plans that is equity, debt or debenture or newly issued bonds. As a student of finance, I should like to suggest that the company should like to take finance through equity and debentures. Equity shares are the ordinary shares. The holders of these shares are the real owners of the company. They have a voting right in the meetings of holders of the company. They have a control over the working of the company. Equity shareholders are paid dividend after paying it to the preference shareholders. Advantages of Equity Shares: Equity shares do not create any obligation to pay a fixed rate of dividend. Equity shares can be issued without creating any charge over the assets of the company. Disadvantages of Equity Shares: If only equity shares are issued, the company cannot take the advantage of trading on equity. As equity capital cannot be redeemed, there is a danger of over capitalisation. If a company needs funds for extension and development purpose without increasing its share capital, it can borrow from the general public by issuing certificates for a fixed period of time and at a fixed rate of interest. Such a loan certificate is called a debenture. Advantages of debentures Interest on debenture is a tax deductible expenditure and thus it saves income tax. Cost of debenture is relatively lower than preference shares and equity shares. Disadvantages of debentures Redemption of debenture involves a larger amount of cash outflow. Payment of interest on debenture is obligatory and hence it becomes burden if the company incurs loss. Risk can be defined as the change in investors actual return which will may totally different from the investors expected return. Risk involves the chances of losing the whole investment or the part thereof by the investor(Harrison, 2009). Risk can be sub divided into systematic risk and unsystematic risk. Systematic risk refers to the portion of total variability in return caused by factors affecting the prices of all securities. Economic, Political and Sociological changes are sources of systematic risk.The risk arises out of the uncertainty surrounding a particular firm or industry due to factors like labour strike, consumer preference management policies are called Unsystematic risk. Unsystematic risk is also called Diversifiable risk (Francis, 2010). TheExpected Return on a Portfoliois computed as the weighted average of the expected returns on the stocks which comprise the portfolio. The weights reflect the proportion of the portfolio invested in the stocks (Zenwealth, 2016). Risk and return are highly correlated. If an individual takes high risk then that individual will get high return and vice versa. Now as per the given situation, I have own $50000 at the Casino in Canberra. Now, I have an option of buying the shares of Qantam or else i can buy the newly issued bonds, or I can return to the Casino and again start gambling with $50000. Now as the price of the shares are cheapest in the share market I can opt for buying shares of the company with the hope of increasing the share price in future. But the share price may also fall. But as the company has re gained its financial position and started making profit so it will be a wise decision to invest in shares rather than investing it in new issue bonds or reinvesting it in casino for gambling. Referencing: Armitage, S. (2005).The cost of capital. New York: Cambridge University Press. Francis, A. (2010).Risk and Return in Portfolio Investments. [online] MBA Knowledge Base. Available at: [Accessed 14 Sep. 2016]. (2016).Qantas Airways Ltd (OTCPK:QUBSF) Intrinsic Value: DCF (FCF Based). [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Sep. 2016]. Harrison, C. (2009).Risk. New York: Picador. Pratt, S. and Grabowski, R. (2008).Cost of capital. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley Sons. Wilkinson, J. (2013).Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) The Strategic CFO. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Sep. 2016]. (2016).Portfolio Risk and Return. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Sep. 2016].