Monday, December 30, 2019

Samuel Becketts Waiting for Godot - God Isnt Coming Essay

Waiting for Godot - God Isnt Coming Waiting for Godot, Samuel Becketts existential masterpiece, for some odd reason has captured the minds of millions of readers, artists, and critics worldwide, joining them all in an attempt to interpret the play. Beckett has told them not to read anything into his work, yet he does not stop them. Perhaps he recognizes the human quality of bringing personal experiences and such to the piece of art, and interpreting it through such colored lenses. Hundreds of theories are expounded, all of them right and none of them wrong. A play is only what you bring to it, in a subconscious connection between you and the playwright. One popular interpretation of Waiting for Godot relates it to the†¦show more content†¦What else is revealed about Godots personality? ESTRAGON: And if we dropped him? (Pause.) If we dropped him? VLADIMIR: Hed punish us. (p. 59 B) VLADIMIR: ...Unless Godot comes. ESTRAGON: And if he comes? VLADIMIR: Well be saved. (p. 60 B) Godot is vengeful, yet is also a savior to them. If they leave, they will be punished. Stay, and they are rewarded. Sounds an awful lot like the Judeo-Christian-Islam God. Godot represent a relief from this empty and boring stage, which perhaps represents life. We are all waiting for something, its how we fill in the time until whatever is going to happen happens that is the subject of the play. Life has no meaning - this play has no meaning. VLADIMIR: How time flies when one has fun! (p. 49 A) Time is flying? But these two can not measure time; for them there is no beginning, and until Godot shows up, there is no end. The time in-between two indeterminate points is one of the subject of this play. What are we supposed to do with our time in this life while waiting for the Judgement Day? Didi and Gogo have fun. Another good shot at Godot as God is his name, Godot. Let me say that again... GOD-ot. Well, maybe its a stretch, but the very fact that you could say, without resorting to actually moving the letters around, Waiting for God, seems to have some significance. Further, the title in French include the pronoun On, which has the connotation of meaningShow MoreRelatedOverview of Three Interpretations of Samuel Becketts Waiting for Godot3226 Words   |  13 Pages Samuel Beckett wrote Waiting for Godot between October 1948 and January 1949. Since its premiere in January of 1953, it has befuddled and confounded critics and audiences alike. Some find it to be a meandering piece of drivel; others believe it to be genius. Much of the strain between the two sides stems from one simple question. What does this play mean? Even within camps where Waiting for Godot is heralded, the lack of clarity and consensus brings about a tension and discussion that has lastedRead MoreThe Absence Of God Wi thin Lucky s Speech1224 Words   |  5 PagesThe Absence of God within Lucky’s Speech Lucky’s monologue is the most confusing and, of course, the deepest part of the play. Towards the middle of part one in Samuel Beckett’s â€Å"Waiting for Godot†, the character called Lucky gives a â€Å"speech† to the audience. Of course, the first time viewing this, nobody understood the message given. How could you? It’s just a bunch of gibberish and nonsense. Except, Lucky’s speech isn’t just formless nonsense, it is simply dissolution of form. Lucky delivers

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Leadership Assessment Of A Leader - 876 Words

Leadership Assessment Successful Leader: The key to being a successful leader is tobbe diverse and trusting. As a leader, it is crucial to have a diverse perspective and understanding of both your followers and the ultimate goal of you company or organization. A leader cannot easily motivate a group to participate if there is not an understanding of each individual’s perspective and background. When this aspect is ignored the team member feels excluded from the project and loses motivation. It is also important to have a diverse perspective towards the goal or mission of the team because other important factors that may matter to the public could be ignored when the leader is too focused on one factor of the project. In order to actually be a leader, one must also have trust in its team. A leader cannot lead without any followers, therefore, the leader must trust its followers when it comes to taking care of specific task for the project. MBTI ASSESSMENT Measuring: This assessment reports which of the sixteen different personality types best describes you, based on the answers provided when the assessment was taken. The results of the personality type given is made up of preferences in four separate categories that describe the typical go about noticing and thinking about things and interaction with society. Results: After taking the MBTI Assessment, my results reported that my personality type code is ISTJ (Introversion, Sensing,Show MoreRelatedUnderstanding Human Behavior1257 Words   |  5 Pagesand the organization is usually described as organizational behavior since its mainly geared towards understanding and forecasting human behavior. For organizational leaders, understanding human behavior is a critical skill that has direct impacts on the success of the organization. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Frantz Fanon Free Essays

Theoretical and postcolonial pioneer activist, who wrote in 1960 in the context of the French occupation of Algeria, Frantz Fanon through his seminal work, The Damned of the Earth (1961) and the black skin, white masks (1967) analyzed the effects of colonialism both on the colonizer and on the colonized. Fanon argued that the native develops a sense of â€Å"self† as defined by the â€Å"colonial master† through representation and discourse, while the colonizer develops a sense of superiority. Thus, Fanon developed a psychoanalytic theory of postcolonialism in suggesting that â€Å"I† Europe develops their relationship and encounter with the â€Å"other†. We will write a custom essay sample on Frantz Fanon or any similar topic only for you Order Now In an attempt to tackle the psychological failure, the native tries to be as white as possible, adopting the values, religion, language and Western white practices and rejecting his own culture. Fanon calls this phenomenon by placing white masks on the black skin, which translates into a duality and experiences a schizophrenic atmosphere. Furthermore, the sense of inadequacy and insecurity in the psyche of results colonized in violence, which is a form of self-affirmation. Fanon argued that the sense of â€Å"inadequacy and inferiority in the colonized psyche translates into violence, which according to the natives is a form of self-affirmation†. This violence even explodes against its natives, when the native realizes that he can not really be â€Å"white†. Thus, tribal wars, for Fanon, are an example of this violence, generated through the colonial system, where the natives face. , tormented by the inability to rebel against the colonial master. In The Wretched of the Earth, Fanon proposed the idea of a national literature and a national culture, recognizing the importance of cultural nationalism, which leads to national consciousness. He tried to support a wider pan-African cause, because blacks had to create their stories and rewrite their stories. Fanon believed that such a national culture should draw on African cultural myths and practices. He made the three phases in which a national culture: native under the influence of the culture of the colonizer, tries to emulate and assimilate discarding his own culture (what Homi K. Bhabha later called mimicry). recognizes native and discovering the great disparity that can never be too much is too white or white for the colonizer to treat him from equal peers, and returns to study his own culture, with a romantic and festive way. However, in the third phase, the native is truly anti-colonial, accompanied by a critical analysis of his own culture. However, Fanon also foresaw the other side of cultural nationalism, which can lead to xenophobia and intolerance. He realized that national culture had limited value, to help define the native culture against the overwhelming assault of the colonial. Another limitation of the cultural nationalism that Fanon underlined is that he would not guarantee the correction of the working classes and the oppressed. Therefore, although its concept of cultural nationalism was representative, it was also materialistic and economic. He also proposed a dynamic culture that must be critically evaluated and respond to changing socio-historical circumstances. Another prophetic argument was that after political independence, the power struggle between the colonizer and the native resurgence in the road between the native elite and the rest of the post-colonial society and oppression, exploitation and corruption continue, as is reflected in the beauty of Ayi Kwei Armah is not yet born. How to cite Frantz Fanon, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

One Art Bishop Essay Example For Students

One Art Bishop Essay Every person loses sometimes. In Elizabeth Bishops poem One Art, Bishop displays her accepting attitude to losing. Using verse form and language, Bishop is able to express her different feelings about losing. Because of her experiences with loss, the poet is able to express her attitude towards loss. Throughout the poem, verse form plays an important role in Elizabeth Bishops description of losing. Every tercet from lines 1 to 15 helps to describe that the speaker something everyday. Through the repetition of master and disaster in the first five tercets, Bishop creates a tolerant mood. Following the verse form of a villanelle, the poet abruptly changes the mood in the last quatrain. Instead of letting her accepting mood prevail through the entire poem, Bishop changes her tone into one of agony. By contrasting what does and does not bring disaster, the speaker shows that losing isnt hard to master. This refrain is seen in every other stanza and serves as a reminder that losing is easy. While Bishop comments on the fact that it is easy to lose, she explains situations that would not bring a disaster. Only in the last stanza does the poet finally admit to the fact that there are things that may look like disaster. Through verse form, the writer is able to expound on her compliant attitude towards losing. Not only does verse form contribute to the description of Elizabeth Bishops feelings towards losing, but language also has a role in elaborating on her feelings. Through the entire poem, words such as lose, lost, and miss help to show the accepting attitude the poet feels about losing. The speaker loses small items such as door keys all the way to large items such as a continent all of which do not cause damage. In the last stanza, Bishops mood changes when she loses a friend and realizes that even though losing happens all the time, sometimes it can cause harm. In the last stanza the poet also uses a parenthetical exclamatory sentence to show her distress over her lost friend. By saying write it, the writer urges herself to write what is painful for her to say. Using language to expound on her increasingly distraught feelings, Bishop is able to show her attitude towards loss. During most of the poem, Bishop creates a mood that is carefree about loss. Only when she loses her friend does the speaker realize that loss can cause disaster. Elizabeth Bishops tone throughout the poem expresses her changing attitude towards loss.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Marketing Management - Nike Case Study free essay sample

NIKE maintains traditional and non-traditional distribution channels in more than 100 countries targeting its primary market regions: United States, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Americas (not including the United States). NIKE utilizes over 20,000 retailers, NIKE factory stores, NIKE stores, NikeTowns, Cole Haan stores, and internet-based websites to sell various sports and leisure products. They dominate sales in the athletic footwear industry with a 33% global market share. They have also been able to attain this premier position through quality production, innovative products, and aggressive marketing. (NIKE 2012) NIKE is now ready to take it to the next level. Over the decades, NIKE has positioned themselves with optional strengths and opportunities, enabling them to enter new market ventures. NIKE has solid brand equity, economies of scale, aggressive marking strategies, and the existing infrastructure to manufacture and distribute. Leveraging these strengths, NIKE will enter a nd dominate the sports drink industry in 2013 with a new product called, â€Å"NIKE Refuel†. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Management Nike Case Study or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This new energy sports drink will target NIKE’s existing natural target market segments. Currently, there are not a lot of competitors who offer energy sports drinks as a premium product. Not to mention the other value propositions of nutrimental, low calorie, great tasting, and made with all natural and quality ingredients. This new sports drink will also enable NIKE to continue to promote their changes in their outlook on social responsibilities and more importantly, improve the bottom line revenue for the company. NIKE Company Description Nike, pronounced NI-KEY, is technically the winged goddess of victory according to Greek mythology. She sat at the side of Zeus, the ruler of the Olympic pantheon, in Olympus. A mystical presence, symbolizing victorious encounters, Nike presided over historys earliest battlefields. A Greek would say, When we go to battle and win, we say it is Nike. Synonymous with honored conquest, NIKE is the twentieth century footwear that lifts the worlds greatest athletes to new levels of mastery and achievement. NIKE’s co-founder Bill Bowerman made an important observation many years ago in 1972; he was defining how he viewed the endless possibilities for human potential in sports. He set the tone and direction for a young company called NIKE, and today those same words inspire a new generation of NIKE employees. Today, NIKE is engaged in the design, development and worldwide marketing and selling of footwear, apparel, equipment, accessories and services. They are also a seller of athletic footwear and athletic apparel worldwide. The Company sells its products to retail accounts, through NIKE-owned retail stores and Internet sales, and through a mix of independent distributors and licensees, in approximately 190 countries around the world (NIKE 2012). The Company focuses its product offerings in seven key categories: Running, Basketball, Football (Soccer), Mens Training, Womens Training, NIKE Sportswear (its sports-inspired products) and Action Sports. It also markets products designed for kids, as well as for other athletic and recreational uses, such as baseball, cricket, golf, lacrosse, outdoor activities, football (American), tennis, volleyball, walking and wrestling. NIKEs athletic footwear products are designed primarily for specific athletic use. It also markets footwear designed for baseball, cheerleading, football, golf, lacrosse, outdoor activities, skateboarding, tennis, volleyball, walking, wrestling, and other athletic and recreational uses. The Company sells sports apparel and accessories, as well as athletic bags and accessory items. It also markets apparel with licensed college and professional team, and league logos. NIKE’s goal is to carry on Bowerman’s legacy of innovative thinking, whether to develop products that help athletes of every level of ability reach their potential, or to create business opportunities that set NIKE apart from the competition and provide value for the shareholders. They and the people they hired have evolved and have grown the company from NIKE, a U. S. -based footwear distributor, to a global marketer of athletic footwear, apparel and equipment that is unrivaled in the world. Along the way, NIKE has established a strong Brand Portfolio with several wholly-owned subsidiaries including Cole Haan, Converse Inc. Hurley International LLC, NIKE Golf, and Umbro Ltd. NIKE’s world headquarters is located near Beaverton, Oregon, a suburb of Portland. So while the Pacific Northwest is the birthplace to NIKE, today the athletic giant operates in more than 190 countries around the globe. Through their suppliers, shippers, retailers and other service providers , NIKE directly or indirectly employs nearly one million people. That includes more than 35,000 NIKE employees across six continents, each of whom make their own contribution to fulfill NIKE’s mission statement: to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. Some of NIKE’s recent successes includes in launch of NIKE+ and NIKEplus. com. This has lead to their opportunity in widening their market by entry into the Digital Sport market. It’s not just about creating the most popular sports gadgets. But rather building more of a personal relationship with the customers. This is part of NIKE’s strategy; to connect and build tighter relationships with the customer, building and enabling online communities for them, and most importantly, allowing NIKE to follow their customers and enter the digital realm. The reason for this shift is simple; NIKE was to go where the customer is. NIKE’s Mission statement Original: To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world. *†If you have a body, you are an athlete. † – Bill Bowerman â€Å" Updated: To bring inspiration, innovation, and endurance to every athlete* in the world. *†If you have a body, you are an athlete. † – Bill Bowerman â€Å" NIKE is updating the mission statement to be in better strategic alignment with their mission for all of NIKE’s product offerings. NIKE will soon debut a new energizing all natural sports drink to the mainstream market, known as NIKE Refuel, which will be presented later in more detail. NIKE’s Vision To  carry on his (Bill Bowerman) legacy of innovative thinking, whether  to develop products that help athletes of every level of ability reach their potential or to create business opportunities that set NIKE apart from the competition and provide value for our shareholders. (NIKE 2012) NIKE Goals NIKE recently announced a series of business targets for 2012 that more deeply integrate corporate responsibility goals into the company’s long-term growth and innovation business strategies. The targets set benchmarks to improve labor conditions in contract factories, create a climate neutral company, drive sustainable product design and innovation, and unleash potential by giving youth greater access to the benefits of sport. â€Å"We see corporate responsibility as a catalyst for growth and innovation† said Mark Parker, NIKE’s President and CEO. â€Å"It is an integral part of how we can use the power of our brand, the energy and passion of our people, and the scale of our business to create meaningful change.    The corporate responsibility business targets set by NIKE include: Improve labor conditions by eliminating excessive overtime in NIKE brand contract factories by 2012. Excessive overtime is one of the most serious ongoing labor compliance issues the company and the industry face. NIKE’s priority continues to be improving conditions for the almost 800,000 contract factory workers who make the company’s products. Make all NIKE bran d facilities, retail and business travel climate neutral by 2012. NIKE has exceeded its reduction targets for CO2 emissions over the last two years through the World Wildlife Fund’s Climate Savers program. The company also eliminated fluorinated gases (F-gases) across all NIKE brand products following 14 years of research and development in the company’s NIKE Air cushioning system. Design all NIKE brand footwear (more than 225 million pairs per year) to meet baseline targets by 2012 for waste reduction in product design and packaging, elimination of volatile organic compounds and increased use of environmentally preferred materials. All NIKE brand apparel is targeted to meet baseline standards by 2015, and equipment by 2020. NIKE is designing sustainable innovation solutions into its products that the company anticipates will create benefits throughout its supply chain and support achievement of its targets. Invest in community-based initiatives that use the power of sport to unleash potential and improve the lives of youth. Over the past two years, NIKE has invested $100 million in community-based sport initiatives. The company is targeting a minimum investment of $315 million through 2011. Deliver a new product to market that will compliment and widen NIKE’s current product offering, help improve bottom-line revenues, while brining positive brand recognition amongst new and existing consumer markets. To meet this goal, NIKE will bring to market a new non-carbonated, energizing and all natural sport drink branded as â€Å"NIKE Refuel†. It will be released in 2013, and will be used to advertise and reinforce NIKE’s more recent focus and attention on fair trade practices and ethical working conditions. NIKE’s new â€Å"Refuel† beverage will also be advertised alongside and in harmony with existing NIKE footwear, appeal, equipment, accessories and services. NIKE Core Competency NIKE’s core competencies include their ability to be research and development innovative, maintain strong and influential marketing and brand recognition, and lastly globalization. NIKE recognizes that innovation is most important to staying competitive and in the game. This is also complimentary to their core philosophy with their employees, which is to inspire and challenge their employees on a daily basis. This fosters and promotes a company culture of innovative thinking. Employees at NIKE are encouraged to be curious and open to new ideas, wherever their source. NIKE knows they need to evolve quickly, viewing change as a key source of innovation. This attitude can also easily be observed in the wide range of products that NIKE offers its consumers. It is another example of the company’s use of emergent strategy to good effect. NIKE is a globally known brand. The Swoosh logo is instantly recognizable around the world, just like the Disneyland Magical Castle. NIKE sees this as the symbol of its global leadership. NIKE has successfully built a strong foundation of a brand promise and value proposition. There were some recent changes thanks to Steve Jobs that has now made NIKE marketing independent on the handful of superstars to move merchandise. Instead, they have moved into the Digital Sport market. This platform allows NIKE to have more of a personal relationship with its customers. It also is able to help track trends to better understand the customer’s behaviors and patterns to forecast future firm initiatives. Lastly is NIKE’s ability to penetrate and be a leader in the global market. Not only have they been able to expand the manufacturing into other countries, but they are also recognized and sought out by customers in other countries. NIKE Sustainable Competitive Edge NIKE notes that an important part of a competitive edge is its Sustainability. â€Å"Sustainable Business at NIKE, Inc. It’s not just about getting better at what they do – addressing impacts throughout our supply chain – it’s about striving for the best, creating value for the business and innovating for a better world. (NIKE 2012) Some of NIKE’s key success factors include their distinctive marketing activities, extensive research and development effort to design premium athletic products, and the way they differentiate their product and manufacture it. Stellar performances in some or all of these areas create a lot of value for their customer. SWOT Analysis Strengths Global br and recognition. One of the greatest things about the NIKE is that everyone knows it. Anyone can go anywhere in the world with the NIKE symbol and most people would recognize the brand. Its famous ‘Swoosh’ is instantly recognizable, and Phil Knight, founder and CEO, even has it tattooed on his ankle. This company also has strong international presence and sales their product worldwide. Based on recent analysis from Google Finance, NIKE sells its products throughout the US and in over 190 countries around the world. Fortune 500 ranks them as #135 of America’s largest corporations list as of the May 2011 analysis. NIKE also has market capital of over $43 billion, a well established corporation. NIKE was even rated #41 out of the â€Å"Top 100 Brand Corporations Worldwide† (Rankings 2012). Dealing with competition. NIKE is a very professionally competitive organization. Phil Knight is often quoted as saying that â€Å"Business is war without bullets. † NIKE has a healthy dislike of its competitors. At the Atlanta Olympics, Reebok went to the expense of sponsoring the games. NIKE did not. However NIKE sponsored the top athletes and gained valuable coverage. Operations and distributions. NIKE has ownership of no physical factories so production can be moved to a more cost effective location when necessary. It does not tie up cash in buildings and manufacturing workers. This makes a very lean organization. NIKE is strong at research and development, as is evidenced by its evolving and innovative product range. They then manufacture wherever they can produce a high quality product at the lowest possible price. If prices rise, and products can be made more cheaply elsewhere (to the same or better specification), NIKE moves their production. NIKE distribution within the U. S. alone includes around 18,000 retail accounts, and outside the U. S. there are around 30,000 international retail outlets that sell NIKE products (Watts 2009). NIKE also operates a â€Å"futures† program, wherein retailers can order up to six months in advance. Strong marketing campaign. NIKE is great at expanding their product. The company that started out making just sneakers now makes items from sports equipment to apparel. They always have the hottest celebrity athletes in all sports promoting their product. NIKE definitely knows how to expand well into the athletic market. This goes to show that NIKE is strong at research and development, as is evidenced by its evolving and innovative product range. NIKE’s latest strategy has now enabled them to penetrate more market share with less focus on expensive mass media advertising, and more focused on engaging at the customer level through social media and digital marketing. Weaknesses Price. The retail sector is very price sensitive. In general, NIKE’s products are considered to be of higher quality and as a result have higher prices relative to competitors. While the prices are realistic given the nature of the products offered, at times the consumer may not agree. This presents a weakness. There is much potential in the lower price point for the current market, in addition to new product development in a lower price point market which will be further explored in this plan. Global operations and work environment. NIKE’s facilities are located throughout Asia and South America. The production facilities are located close to raw materials and cheap labor sources. Facilities abroad have attracted bad publicity in recent years. Though NIKE states the facilities comply with local labor standards, generally, they have not met U. S. standards. In 1996 NIKE was exposed for child labor in Pakistan. This led to lots of bad publicity which hurt the company in sales. NIKE has had several years of battling this bad reputation and negative criticism by the anti-globalization groups. â€Å"During the last three years, NIKE has continued to treat the sweatshop issue as a public relations inconvenience rather than as a serious human rights matter,† said Leila Salazar, corporate accountability director for Global Exchange. This continues to be an area of challenge for NIKE as they are the constant focal point for negative criticism by anti-globalization groups (â€Å"Bloomberg† 2004). Product Sector Limitations. Profits are largely dependent on the footwear product while other branded products are not as strong. Most of NIKE’s income is still heavily dependent upon its share of the footwear market. This may leave it vulnerable if for any reason its market share erodes. Opportunities Product development offers NIKE many opportunities. The brand is fiercely defended by its owners whom truly believe that NIKE is not a fashion brand however consumers that wear NIKE product do not always buy it to participate in sport. In youth culture especially, NIKE is a fashion brand. This creates its own opportunities. One great opportunity for the NIKE Company is to promote their brand as fashion forward, as well as athletic wear. This is something that NIKE as a company has been deterring from so that they may be taken seriously in the athletic field. However there are more consumers who see NIKE this way and wear their sneakers for that purpose instead of just athletic wear. Market expansion. There is also the opportunity to develop new products and new markets. NIKE will expand their brand into the sports drink, energy, and health nutrition industry, through the new â€Å"NIKE Refuel† line. Men’s Health magazine author, Laura Roberson commented that â€Å"Energy drink sales have more than doubled in the past 5 years† (Robertson 2012). There is a definite opportunity for NIKE to enter this new market industry, using their established brand to quickly and successfully launch this new beverage product. There is also potential in other industries that can be explored, developed, and also complimentary, such as sport wear, jewelry, and sunglasses. Social responsibility and fair trade practices. Reducing controversy surrounding NIKE’s trade and production practices continues to be an area for opportunity. In response to accusations by consumer groups over unfair labor practices, NIKE has developed a Corporate Responsibility Policy that discusses how they will improve working conditions for international employees. They are also stepping into the line of economy boosting projects that will encourage recycling. NIKE is striving to be a leader and set a responsible corporate example for other businesses to follow. (â€Å"NIKE† 2012) Threats Competition. This includes threats from their competitors with lower costs products. NIKE is about the highest priced athletic brand which puts them at risk for losing many of their customers. Also, competitors are becoming more aggressive and creating high quality products, thus taking from the profits of NIKE. The market for sports shoes and garments is very competitive. Competitors are developing alternative brands that may take away NIKE’s market share. Market Saturation. In terms of market saturation, many of the key manufacturers in this industry have been around for many years. Consumers may be scanning the market for new and different footwear and apparel products. The industry has reached a level of maturity. While style and technology in athletic apparel and footwear has reached a leveling-off point, the important aspect now is for companies to differentiate their existing lines. Responding to consumer activists groups. Not responding to these consumer activist groups poses a threat to NIKE. The negative publicity that NIKE has received thus far has lowered its image to that of being an ethical company. Such publicity has the potential to ruin any company permanently. By disregarding the voice of concerned citizens, NIKE is disregarding their customers, one of their most important stakeholders. Currency exchange. NIKE is exposed to the international nature of trade. It buys and sells in different currencies and so costs and margins are not stable over long periods of time. Such an exposure could mean that NIKE may be manufacturing and/or selling at a loss. This is an issue that faces all global brands. Operating business internationally opens them to the possibilities of currency value fluctuations that can lead to losses. Economic factors. The U. S. economy and the economy around the world continues struggle, which means continued cutbacks in consumer spending. Consumers are becoming savvier and may lean towards discounted items. Managing the financial conditions in the economy today is remains a threat (Bartash 2012). Industry Analysis It is noted there is an increasing number of businesses catering to the recent rise of a new target market: the health-conscious consumer. At NIKE, the goal has always been to give consumers what they want now, as well as to anticipate their future needs, and to thus tailor a strategy to accommodate those needs. NIKE has recognized an unfilled market potential in the non-carbonated energizing sports drink arena, thus developing an entirely new product category. The branding strategy is to enter the market by carving a new niche sports, energy, and health nutrition industry. The objective is to educate consumers about the new drink, as well as to make a profit and gain new market share in the industry. NIKE hopes that by being market leaders, their name will become synonymous with the new drink category, and will aid in them sustaining a competitive advantage over the copy-cats that are sure to flock the market after the new products’ introduction and subsequent success. Competitor Analysis Nike is the world’s largest sports company, 30% bigger than nearest rivals Adidas. Digital marketing has valuable in maintaining this market position for NIKE. Scott Cendrowski  has scribed an insightful article on CNN parchment exploring how the legendary brand blew up its single-slogan approach and drafted a new playbook for the digital era. Cendrowski 2012) When analyzing Nike’s competitors in the sports, energy, and health nutrition industry, the goal is to assess the strengths and weaknesses of current and future companies. Although Gatorade is the largest company in the industry with a strong brand image, maintaining that against its competitors is vital to their com pany. Effective marketing is critical for Gatorade because this is where the majority of their profits generate from. The main competitors in the sports, energy, and health nutrition industry are The Coca-Cola Company, Energy Brands Inc. nd Red Bull GmbH. PowerAde is owned by the Coca-Cola Company. The target market for PowerAde is essentially the same market for Gatorade. Perhaps one of PowerAde’s biggest strengths is that it is owned by Coca-Cola which is the world’s largest beverage distributor. Although the products seem to be alike, they are different in content. PowerAde contains less sodium for hydration and more sugar than Gatorade. PowerAde justifies this by saying their product has a better taste because of the extra sugar. This helps PowerAde establish where they stand in the market. Another rising competitor that shares the market is Energy Brands Inc. , which is also known as Glaceau. Glaceau is a subsidiary of the Coca Cola Company which brands consist of Vitamin Water, Vitamin Energy and Smart Water. All of these water enhanced products pose a threat to competitors in the sports drink industry. These beverages are different in content containing numerous vitamins, minerals and natural caffeine. A main advantage of Glaceau is focusing on innovating new formulas with new nutrients that are backed by scientific and clinical trials. The company aims to connect with its consumers by adding different commentary to each of their products. From an operational standpoint Glaceau strives to compete with their competitors with a strong distribution output. Glaceau considers their distributors as partners rather than customers (Landi 2007). The final competitor that will be analyzed will be Red Bull GmbH. Red Bull is the world’s leading energy drink and although is somewhat different than sports drinks, still poses threats in the soft drink manufacturing industry. As of today Red Bull holds a 40% share of the market for energy drinks, dominating the fastest-growing segment of the industry (Google Finance 2012). Although the company is privately held, it has annual sales that are around a billion cans. The company is able to do this by their well-targeted marketing campaign which puts heavyweight on the expansion of their brand image. To increase the consumer brand awareness they use attractive slogans which differentiates them from competitors (â€Å"Red Bull† 2004). Company Analysis Upon careful analysis of NIKE’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, NIKE will focus on developing strategies that would strengthen marketing, distribution, and the management of the new non-carbonated energizing sports drink. Marketing NIKE will develop marketing strategies that would further push its products to its diverse target market and capitalize on existing markets. The marketing approach will focus on the existing customers, in addition to new focused marketing to children, their parents, and women. This will be accomplished through NIKE sponsorships promoting the new drink, in addition to internet and social media marketing. Internet users and their usage have continuously increased due to advancements in technology. NIKE will be more aggressive in advertising through the internet and social sites (both exclusive and external networks) to promote this new product. They will continue to invest more time and effort into Twitter and Facebook; continuing to cultivate social communities excited about sports, enabling NIKE consumers who feel compelled to share them across numerous platforms. NIKE will also place a new priority on the quality of online advertising; making video commercials that provide enough value, through entertainment or education. This would also cater to the target markets of each division especially to the emerging fashion scene to pair up with NIKE apparel customers. The internet marketing strategy also aligns with NIKE’s strategic objectives to follow the customer. Jesse Stollak, Nike’s Global Digital Brand and Innovation Director, recently commented, â€Å"We began to aggressively grow our communities across all categories, using the most relevant social network in each country. To date, NIKE has active communities around the world engaged with nearly 50 million consumers. † The new energy drink will leverage the existing successful platforms as well as the developed Nike+ campaigns, and market heavily in this existing market space. This will also help keep the new product launch marketing expenses at a minimum. The sponsorship of new kid-friendly programs will be initiated to widen the customer base of the target market of kids-adolescent like after school programs and summer/winter programs. Hurley in summer skateboarding, surfing lessons, and snowboarding lessons in winter, Impact Golf Technologies in golf lessons, and other such subsidiaries in soccer, basketball, baseball, and other programs). Target children and youth to make them lifelong NIKE followers and also influence the buying patterns of the parents. In additional to the targeting the active youth, NIKE will also sponsor women empowerment programs to widen the customer base of active wome n since NIKE is currently concentrating on women. Distribution Strengthen distribution in regions where NIKE is currently losing sales, these include footwear in the U. S. Region; and footwear, apparel, and equipment in Americas region. Along with these, a strategy of penetrating emerging markets in developing countries (e. g China) is also to be implemented. Easy access to NIKE products would result in higher sales and revenues. Build more specialty stores or consignment with other existing local specialty stores catering to specific sporting needs like Stoked, Inc. for skating/wakeboarding/snowboarding, Surfworld Co. or surfing and other water sports, Golfer’s Choice for golf, etc. Providing for different sports needs increases NIKE’s followers and also putting the sports drinks in all of these existing customer retails stores. Give a more aggressive take on online stores and allow consignments with other existing specialty stores in this industry like www. skateboard. com and www. ccs. com for skating (Hurley), and www. iloveyog a. com for yoga and other women dominated activities, etc. Going into e-commerce can increase sales because of increasing internet users. Management Continue to strengthen NIKE office relations by offering after office programs and family social gatherings for the employees (picnics, out of towns, etc) to develop network and good relations among employees. NIKE is committed to maintaining closer observance within manufacturing managements (sweatshops) especially within foreign manufacturing locations. Frequently review the employees’ code of conduct and quickly respond to any change needed by the evolving company culture. This is to ensure that the company is following ethical standards to avoid controversies. This will be important to announce these programs to the public and promote the positive changes NIKE has in their work environments around the world and NIKE’s commitment to ethical and social responsibility. Deliver a quicker response to emerging social, economic, legal and environment issues. This is to be able to be flexible to issues or problems and adapt to an environment that the company cannot control. Customer Analysis Once, aimed more or less exclusively toward the athletic audience, sports drinks are now being targeted at mainstream markets as more and more consumers look to incorporate sporting activities into their lives. Meanwhile, the sports drinks category is becoming increasingly diverse as a result of constant product innovation by suppliers. Sports drinks, once targeted solely at athletes wishing to enhance performance and hydration, are breaking away from their traditional mold. New hybrid drinks, with added functionality, are now being launched to meet the demands of increasingly health and fitness-conscious consumers. Originally, sports drinks comprised of three categories: the hypotonic, isotonic and hypertonic. All of these feature water, electrolytes, and varying levels of arbohydrate (sugar). The hypotonic is a low-level carbohydrate drink which quenches thirst and provides fluid, but not much energy; an example is Lucozade Active, drunk to replace fluids while training. The isotonic drink, with its small amount (usually less than 8%) of carbohydrate is said to fuel muscles; it should be drunk before, during and after exercise. The hypertonic is a high-level carbohydrate drink which repla ces lost energy rather than lost fluid, and is ideal for heavy workouts. However, the sports drink category is now more fragmented. According to the research company, Innova Database, between 2002 and 2006 some 1,608 new global sports drink launches were recorded, peaking in 2005 when 550 new sports drinks entered the world arena, a surge which Natalie Tremellen, insights manager at Innova, attributes to the growth in sports waters on the market. (Farr 2008). Marketing Product Focus NIKE will come to market in 2013 with a new non-carbonated energizing sports drink. This NIKE energizing sports drink will become one of the most sought out sports drinks in the industry. This new product will have the NIKE branding, known for the highest quality and international recognition. This will help launch the product into market, easily and measurably hitting NIKE’s natural and existing target markets. The strategy is to excite the market with mass advertising, stimulating the demand, and then saturate the market with the NIKE energizing sports drinks. Other new and innovative product types can be rolled to market at a later date using this new product line, including the introduction of carbonated beverages or energizing edibles which can be later expanded into. NIKE’s new energizing sports drink will be a premium product, using quality ingredients and packaged in a way that is unique and appealing to the consumer. This energizing sports drink will also be categorized as a healthier choice for the consumer. Both lower in overall calorie content, in addition to the all natural ingredients and energy boosting vitamins. The target market for NIKE’s sports drink includes NIKE’s existing markets segmented for their footwear and appeal. To be more specific, this includes the active, and the ‘getting active’ men and women, primarily in the ages 16-30. Consumers who purchase more heath conscious beverage items would also be in NIKE’s new market. Because NIKE is everywhere, they will also focus advertising in a multiethnic approach to promoting the product around the world. NIKE will target a profit margin on this new product at 60%. It is forecasted that the new product line with have an ROI in less than 2 years, and trend into positive revenue earning position within a short period of time. Target Market Digital marketing has made NIKE’s existing customer target market easily accessible and relatively low cost to market to, as they are already NIKE consumers and part of their social network. NIKE’s ideal target customer profile for this product includes athletes of all ages and at all skill levels, and those that would normally choose non-carbonated beverages or drinks such as ice tea or still water to recharge after a workout, competition, or just to enjoy for the added energy benefits. This target market would not only include the target age ranges of 16 to 30, but NIKE would also seek out the younger consumer of kids in the ages of 7 to 15 years old who enjoy playing sports and drink something before, during, or afterwards. The second market segment, are women from 17 to 35 years old who care about the calories in their drink, and also who want all the vitamins necessary in a drink for their kids. Lastly, NIKE would introduce a multiethnic approach to promoting the product since NIKE sports drink will be an international product. Thus, ethnic infusion in advertising will be important. Each of these identified market segments are looking for some kind of non-carbonated sports drink or something to provide an energy booster. Most active or athletic individuals lead a healthier lifestyle, so the â€Å"all natural and low calorie content† would be a great way to diversify the product from other competitors, essentially making NIKE sports drinks the healthier choice for a better quality of living. NIKE is already a leader in the sports industry, the need for replenishing energy and hydration builds a natural and complimentary opportunity to enter the sports drink market. Points of Difference NIKE’s energizing sports drink will be differentiated in the overall market because of its established brand equity, use of high quality ingredients to make the beverage (including fair trade practices), in addition to the clever and attractive packaging. One of NIKE’s strengths creates an automatic competitive advantage and edge to enter this new market because it has already established such strong brand recognition and customer loyalty, both nationally and internationally. The distribution to all market channels for this product will be a logistical dream for this new line since the distribution infrastructure already exists, and is proven to be successful. This new product will be strategically scheduled into the delivery cycles. Only selective and premium all natural ingredients will be used to make the NIKE energizing sports drinks. NIKE will capitalize on the growing health trends in society and will focus some of the advertizing toward the all natural quality ingredients. In addition, the Fair Trade certifications will be proudly displayed and advertised on every bottle label. One of NIKE’s most important promotional strategies is the packaging. Studies have shown that over 70 percent of purchasing decisions are made in the store. This means, you need to have packaging that can sell itself to the consumer when they are debating if they want to purchase the item or not. It takes a customer about 2. 6 seconds to make a purchasing decision between two different types of packaging. (BKS. com 2010) NIKE’s package must immediately convince the customers to purchase the energy drink the moment they see it. NIKE will need to identify a fitting way to bottle the drink and create a catchy advertising label and name so that it will bring the consumer to want to select the new NIKE drink over all others. Positioning NIKE will place the new energizing sports drink throughout the US and Europe to start; then, later expand the new product into the other 190 countries around the world in which NIKE products are already sold. NIKE’s an established company and has strong international presence and has existing profitable product sales worldwide. This easy access to NIKE’s existing target markets would result in higher sales and revenues for the new product very quickly out the gates, as this new product line and NIKE’s existing product lines are complementary to each other. NIKE would also place this product in stores that are more specialty type sports stores, as well as in gas stations, grocery stores, corner markets, and other retail stores where existing competitor products are sold. Digital sport marketing platforms has already allowed NIKE to build more of a personal relationship with the customers. Nike+ will help introduce this new sports drink directly to the end consumer with consistency and frequently. Nike+ will continue to encourage building and enabling online communities for customers to discuss the product and offer feedback, ideas, suggestions for enhancement on the new product line or future product developments. This stays in line with NIKE’s recent strategic changes to follow their customers and track trends in the digital realm. Of course, pull and push type methods of marketing strategies will be advertised as banners and pops throughout the digital communities. Marketing Program In brining this premium energy sports drink to market, NIKE will focus on these three strategies: Price. NIKE has an excellent quality product at a reasonably competitive price. The total cost of competitor’s product is priced between $1. 29 and 2. 39 depending on the size and the store. NIKE will set their price at the higher end. NIKE will later (post 2013 new product debut) introduce to market the value pack; selling packs of six and twelve for the quantity value savings. An important part to advertising along with price is highlighting that NIKE will manufacture this new product within Fair Trade qualified standards. NIKE has had several years of battling this bad reputation with a lot of negative criticism by the anti-globalization groups. This would be a good opportunity to help change perceptions about NIKE, as NIKE is changing and wants to ensure ethical practices are practiced within their offshore manufacturing facilities. Placement. The costumer will find this product pretty much everywhere. Existing NIKE retail accounts will carry this beverage, including the NIKE-owned retail stores, internet sales, and through a mix of independent distributors and licensees, in over 190 countries around the world. Locations could range from grocery stores, gas stations, pharmacies and supermarkets to hospitals, online, and in vending machines. Promotion. Digital marketing will be a key component in this area. Leveraging the Nike+ website will be an inexpensive and efficient way to launch promotional coupons and advertising banners. This can be accomplished in various social media sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and others. Also having interactive ads in magazines and sending coupons over the mail in the Sunday newspaper or through online sources. NIKE will distribute product samples at big sporting event or events that NIKE sponsors where their target market will be in attendance. NIKE will also start to include the NIKE energizing sports drink within their footware and apparel commercials and vice versa. Financial Data and Projections References NIKE, Inc. official website. (2012). Using Web Sources in Writing. Retrieved from http://help-us. NIKE. com/app/answers/detail/a_id/113/~/what-is-NIKEs-mission-statement%3F Cendrowski S. , (2012, February 13). NIKE’s new marketing mojo. Fortune Magazine. Retrieved from http://management. fortune. cnn. com/2012/02/13/NIKE-digital-marketing/ Tyler, J. , (2011). Using Web Sources in Writing. Retrieved from http://www. articlesnatch. com/Article/NIKE-s-Core-Values-And-Business/1287651 Google Finance, (2012, July 29). Using Web Sources in Writing. Retrieved from: http://www. google. com/finance? q=NIKE# Robertson, L. , (2012, March 19). Guzzling energy drinks but more tired than ever? Men’s Health. Retrieved from http://www. msnbc. msn. om/id/46764607/ns/health-mens_health/t/guzzling-energy-drinks-more-tired-ever/ Leftfoot, S. L. , (2012, February 13). Nike’s New Marketing Strategy — The Shift to Digital. Fortune Magazine Article. Using Web Sources in Writing. Retrieved from: http://www. nikeblog. com/2012/02/13/nikes-new-marketing-strategy-the-shift-to-digital-fortune-mag-article Watts, J. , (2009, July 22). What Makes Nike Strong and Weak. Using Web Sources in Writ ing. Retrieved from: http://voices. yahoo. com/swot-analysis-NIKE-company-3843094. html Online Extra. (2004, September 19). Nike’s New Game Plan for Sweatshops. Bloomberg BusinessWeek Magazine. Using Web Sources in Writing. Retrieved from: Using Web Sources in Writing. Retrieved from: Bartash, J. , (2012, August 2). U. S. Hiring in July likely to be a lackluster. The Wall Street Journal. Using Web Sources in Writing. Retrieved from: http://www. marketwatch. com/story/us-hiring-in-july-likely-to-be-lackluster-2012-08-02 Landi, H. , (2012, November 20). The Rise of glaceau. Beverage World 126. 4 2007, 22-26. Business Source Complete. EBSCO. Red bull GmbH SWOT

Monday, November 25, 2019

How to Write You in Chinese Characters

How to Write You in Chinese Characters From a simple greeting to forming complex sentences, learning the Chinese character for you is integral to conversing in Chinese. Here is a quick explanation on which type of you to use depending on the situation, what the character symbolizes, and how to pronounce it.   Informal, Formal, and Plural   The informal way to say you in Chinese is ä ½   (nÇ ). This form of you is casually used to address friends, peers, anyone you have a close relationship with, and typically people who are younger than you.   The formal version of you is æ‚ ¨Ã‚  (nà ­n). æ‚ ¨ should be used when addressing elders, respected figures, and persons of higher rank or status. If you are addressing multiple people at once, you in the plural is ä ½   ä » ¬ (nÇ  men).   Radicals The Chinese character ä ½   is composed of a crown or cover (å†â€") that goes over Ã¥ ° , which on its own is the word for â€Å"small. The left half of the character consists of the radical: ä º ». This radical derives from the character ä º º (rà ©n) which translates to person or people. Thus,  Ã¤ º »is the person radical which implies that the meaning of the character relates to people. Pronunciation ä ½   (nÇ ) is in the third tone, which takes on a falling then rising tone. When uttering the syllable, start from a high pitch, go down, and come back up.   æ‚ ¨ (nà ­n) is in the second tone. This is a rising tone, which means you start from a low pitch then go upwards.   Character Evolution An earlier form of you in Chinese was a pictograph of a balanced load. This symbol was later simplified to the character Ã¥ °â€. Eventually, the person radical was added. In its current form, ä ½   could be read as â€Å"someone who is balanced, or of equal stature,† meaning â€Å"you.† Mandarin Vocabulary With NÇ  Now that you know how to write and say you in Chinese, its time to apply your knowledge! Here are a few examples of common Chinese words and phrases that include  Ã¤ ½  . ä ½  Ã¥ ¥ ½ (nÇ Ã‚  hÇŽo): Helloä ½  Ã¨â€¡ ªÃ¥ · ± (nÇ  zà ¬ jÇ ): Yourself我çˆ ±Ã¤ ½   (wÇ’ i  nÇ ): I love youè ¿ ·Ã¤ ½   (mà ­ nÇ ): Mini (a phonetic translation)ç ¥ Ã¤ ½  Ã§â€Å¸Ã¦â€" ¥Ã¥ ¿ «Ã¤ ¹  (zhà ¹ nÇ  shÄ“ngrà ¬ kuilà ¨): Happy birthday

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness slp 5 Essay

Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness slp 5 - Essay Example The company has created different plans and strategies like the Every Day Low Prices, which is a pricing strategy to enable customers to buy goods of great quality at low prices. The company’s basic values of respect for individuals, service to customers and striving for excellence speaks for itself. Wal – Mart has tried to ensure it reaches out to the majority of the American population and the major customer group accounting to almost 23 percent belong to families where the annual income is lesser than $25,000. It was also noted that almost half of the customers of the superstore are blue-collar workers and most of the families are either unemployed or elderly (Featherstone, 2005). The main need of Wal-Mart is for a HR program which will help itself to improve and work towards the goals. The company needs a HR program to ensure complete retention of employees as the training involved and the experience required for the job is high. It is important to understand that the company’s strategy is to provide low cost goods and in turn gain a high share of the market. The company aims at working on the basis of economies of scale. Wal-Mart requires using a few techniques as benchmarking metrics. These include the use of Recruitment cost per employee, workforce capabilities and potential customers. For the success of the human resources of the company, it is essential that the company has a clear view on these details. Also these metrics will provide a base for the company to rightly forecast the needs of the employees as well as the company’s needs to get better and more experienced people. Since the company’s aim is to provide low cost goods to the customers daily, it is essential that the company has strong and well balanced operational costs. Hence this metric will help provide Wal-Mart with a strong ability to keep a constant check on the expenses and will also allow the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

New World Resource Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

New World Resource - Assignment Example e net present value therefore is NPV= -1,000,000+( 8000/1.10 +200000/1.12 + 800,000/1.13+820000/1.14+ 970,000/1.15) = 704045.20 Internal rate of return Year () Cash flow () 0 -1000000 1 8000 2 200000 3 800000 4 820000 5 970000 Then the IRR  Ã‚  is NPV= -1,000,000+( 8000/(1.1+r) +200000/(1.1+r)2 + 800,000/(1.1+r)3+820000/(1.1+r)4+ 970,000/(1.1+r)5) r = 15.20% Project 2: Code name: Zeta Net profit -3,000,000 1,400,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 Net profit Net profit = total revenue- initial investment. ... = 4800000 /3000000 = 1.6 Net present value Year  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Cash Flow  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Present Value   0  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   -1,000,000  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   -$1,000,000   1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1400000  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   $181,818.18   2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1000,000  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   $247,933.88     3  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1000,000  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   $150,262.96 4 800,000 5 600,000 Net Present Value = $80,015.02 The net present value therefore is NPV= -3,000,000+( 1400000/1.10 +1000000/1.12 + 1000,000/1.13+800000 /1.14+ 600,000/1.15) NPV= 927093.80 Internal rate of return Then the IRR  Ã‚  is NPV= -3,000,000+( 1400000/(1.1+r) +1000000/(1.1+r)2 + 1000,000/(1.1+r)3+800000/(1.1+r)4+ 600,000/(1.1+r)5) = 15.25 % Project 3: Code name: Lambda -1,200,000 0 400,000 900,000 1,000,000 700,000 Net profit Net profit = total revenue- initial investment. Net profit=3000000-1200000 = 1800000 Payback period Payback Period = Initial Investment Cash Inflow per Period Since the cash flow is uneven, Then Payback Period = A +(B/C) Cash Flows Cumulative Cash Flow Year Cash Flow 0 (1200000) (1200000) 1 0 (1200000) 2 400000 (800000) 3 900000 100000 4 1000000 1100000 5 700000 1800000 Payback Period = 2 + (|800000| ? 900000) ? 2 + 0.88 ? 2.88 years Return on investment Return on investment = totol amount gained/totol amount invested. = 3000000/1200000 = 2.5 Net present value Year  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Cash Flow  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Present Value   0  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   -1,200,000  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   -$1,200,000   1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   0   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   -1200000

Monday, November 18, 2019

Organizational Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Organizational Culture - Essay Example enacted values represent values and norms that are demonstrated through employee behavior. Organizational culture helps in adaptation to organization’s external environment and coordination of internal systems and processes. The four main functions include providing organizational identity to its employees; foster commitment to organizational values and goals; promote and sustain positive reinforcement of performance and manage change; and shape employee behavior by aligning their expectations to organizational goals. Organizational culture is divided into four types namely, clan, adhocracy, market and hierarchical cultures. The clan culture encourages flexibility of control and fosters collaboration between employees of different groups or functions. Adhocracy culture encourages innovation by being flexible, adaptive and in pace with market changes. Market culture adopt stability and control in order to keep up pace with external competitors and changing customer demands. Thi s culture focuses more on customer needs and profits than on employee growth and development. The hierarchy culture embraces internal control and structured work environment to create strong processes that control, measure and drive desired results. b.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Mini Cooper: Expansion and Launch in India

Mini Cooper: Expansion and Launch in India THE PRODUCT: MINI COOPER IN INDIA INTRODUCTION: The Mini Cooper is a small car that was produced by the British Motor Corporation and its successors from 1959 until 2000. The original is considered an icon of the 1960s, and its space-saving front-wheel-drive layout that allowed 80% of the area of the cars floor pan to be used for passengers and luggage influenced a generation of car-makers. In 1999 the Mini was voted the second most influential car of the 20th Century, behind the Ford Model T[i]. This distinctive two-door car was designed for BMC by Sir Alec Issigonis. It was manufactured at the Long bridge and Cowley plants in England. The Mini Mark I had three major UK updates: the Mark II, the Clubman and the Mark III.The Mini Cooper is a sports car that was successful as rally cars, winning the Monte Carlo Rally four times from 1964 through to 1967. Initially Minis were marketed under the Austin and Morris names, as the Austin Seven and Morris Mini Minor, until Mini became a marquee in its own right in 1969. The Mini Cooper was again marketed under the Austin name in the 1980s. AWARDS AND POPULARITY: The Mini has won many awards over the years, perhaps the most notable includes: Car of the Century, Number One Classic Car of All Time and European Car of the Century. The Mini managed second place behind the Model T Ford for Global Car of the Century in that same poll. In the end 5.3 million Minis were sold, making it by far the most popular British car ever made. Thousands of these are still on the road, with the remaining pre-1980s versions being firmly established as collectors items. At its peak, the Mini was a strong seller in most of the countries where it was sold, with the United Kingdom inevitably receiving the highest volumes. It was a huge seller in the mini-car market. It was 16 years before the Mini received a serious threat to its sales success. INFORMATION ABOUT THE PRODUCTS: MINI HATCH: The new Mini First will be Minis most attractively-priced model on sale in India. Starting at just Rs.8, 76,000 OTR, and the Mini First offers customers the opportunity to get behind the wheel of a unique small premium car at an unbeatable price. Available only in Hatch form, the Mini First features the 1.4-litre petrol engine currently found in the Mini One, but with a power output of 75 hp. The frugal engine is mated to a six-speed manual gearbox as standard and great go-kart handling is ensured by the trademark sophisticated chassis of all Minis. A multi-link rear axle and independent front and rear suspension systems combine with Dynamic Stability Control to put a smile on the drivers face every time they get behind the wheel. SEGMENTING, TARGETING AND POSITIONING SEGMENTATION: refers to a marketing technique that targets a group of customers with specific characteristics. In the process of launching mini cooper in India the upper class people in the country are considered under segmentation. TARGETING: refers to the selection of a particular market towards which all marketing effort is directed. The targeted market for the mini cooper will be the young girls and the ladies sector in the country. POSITIONING: refers to the efforts of influencing a consumers perception of a brand or product relative to the perception of the competing brands or products. Its basic objective is to occupy a clear, advantageous and unique position in the minds of the consumers. With the help of newspapers, internet and hoardings the positioning will take place in the minds of consumers about the product. THE CONSUMERS: An individual who buys products or services for personal use and not for manufacture or resale. A consumer is someone who can make the decision whether or not to purchase an item at the store, and someone who can be influenced by marketing and advertisements. An official definition of consumer behaviour is The study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, use, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society. Mini Cooper in India will be mostly preferred by the upper class people of the society. This is because of the cost of the product. As the cost is higher people would prefer to buy a bigger and luxury car instead of a small and sporty car. Those people who are more interested and knowledgeable in brands and values would be influenced to buy a Mini cooper in India. Mini cooper is recognized as a girly car all over the world. Mini cooper is a car of status and pride. The type of consumers who prefer a Mini cooper will be a consumer of status and pride. It a sporty car as well as a statement symbol of status. Consumers do not make their decision in a vacuum. Consumer purchases are influenced by four factors. They are as follows Cultural factors Social factors Personal factors Psychological factors. CULTURAL FACTORS: Culture is the part of the external influences that impact the consumer. That is, culture represents influences that are imposed on the consumer by other individuals. The definition of culture is That complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man person as a member of society Culture plays an important role in the buying behaviour of the consumers. As India s rich in culture and tradition, this factor acts as a major role in launching of Mini Cooper in India. As the product Mini Cooper is focused on the young girls and ladies of the society, their decisions are based on the family situations. Some women are not able to decide on their own products and services in India. They have to be depended on their family and society. SOCIAL FACTORS: A consumer may interact with several consumers before buying a product. They may be different type of groups like membership group and reference groups. Family decisions are also very important in choosing a product. Roles and status also play an important role in influencing the buying behaviour of a consumer. As Mini Cooper is the symbol of status and pride the consumers can show their ostentatious behaviour. Those are people who are concerned about image. PERSONAL FACTORS: Personal factors are based on economic situation like his income, occupation, personality and self confidence and age and family life cycle stages. In purchasing a Mini Cooper in India a consumer has to take into consideration his level of income as the price of the product is high. He also has to consider his age and economic situation in the society. The major part in the personal factor is a person should have a high level of personality and self confidence to buy a product. Psychological factors like motivating consumers are mainly done by advertisements, road shows and other motivating factors. Attitudes and beliefs are very important in the process of launching a product. The Consumers have to be given more knowledge about the products. The Mini Cooper will affect the psychological factors of the customers when they see the advertisements. DECISION MAKING PROCESS: The act of making up your mind about something, or a position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration is called as decision making. It is the process of selecting a logical choice from among the available options. When trying to make a good decision, a person must weight the positives and negatives of each option, and consider all the alternatives. For effective decision making, a person must be able to forecast the outcome of each option as well, and based on all these items, determine which option is the best for that particular situation. The below diagram shows the process of decision making, and also will explain about how the decision making process affects the customers of Mini Cooper. In this model, the consumer passes through five stages: problem recognition, information search, evaluation and selection of alternatives, decision implementation, and post-purchase evaluation. Problem recognition or need recognition: In the problem recognition stage, the consumers buying process begins when the buyer recognizes the problem or need. When a consumer of an upper class society is in need of a car he recognizes the problems and the need of it. This is the first stage of decision making process. When the consumers find the difference between the actual state and the desired state, a problem is recognized. In other words a need is recognized to solve the problem. Information search: When the consumers discover the problem they are likely to search for information. In this case the consumers who recognized the need for a car would search for more information about the different type of cars and they would be more attentive to car advertisements, cars purchased by their friends or relatives, and peer conversation about cars. Or they may be more actively seeking information by visiting car showrooms, talking to friends and reading car magazines etc. Through gathering information, the consumer learns more about some brands that compete in the market and their features and characteristics. After the search of information the consumers go to the next stage of decision making process. Evaluation and search of alternatives: Under this stage a consumers try to solve the problem and ultimately satisfying their needs. In other words, the consumers will look for problem-solving benefits from the product. The consumer, then, looks for products with a certain set of attributes that deliver the benefits. Thus, the consumer sees each product as a bundle of attributes with different levels of ability of delivering the problem solving benefits to satisfy their need. The distinctions among the need, benefits, and attributes are very important. In this case a person who wants to purchase a car will evaluate and search of alternatives to satisfy his needs. Decision implementation: To actually implement the purchase decision, however, a consumer needs to select both specific items that are brands and specific outlets that is where to buy to resolve the problems. In many situations, consumers engage in a simultaneous selection process of stores and brands. In the case of purchasing car a consumer will search a brand and in that brand they will search for different varieties in the showroom. It is also possible, that the consumer decides where to buy and then chooses one or two brands the showroom carries. Once the brand and outlet have been decided, the consumer moves on to the transaction. Post purchase evaluation: The final stage in decision making process is post purchase evaluation. It is common for consumers to experience concerns after making a purchase decision. This arises from a concept that is known as cognitive dissonance. The consumer having bought a product may feel that an alternative would have been preferable. In these circumstances a consumer will not re-purchase immediately but is likely to switch brands next time. Post-purchase evaluation processes are directly influenced by the type of preceding decision-making process. Directly relevant here is the level of purchase involvement of the consumer. Purchase involvement is often referred to as the level of concern for or interest in the purchase situation and how extensively the consumer searches information in making a purchase decision. These are the different stages of decision making process. With these levels a consumer decides when, where, why and how they buy the product. Mini Cooper is to be launched in India in two major cities of Mumbai and Delhi. Showrooms will be opened in these cities and customers can buy Mini from the showrooms. Perceived risk: Perceived risk refers to a functional or a psychological risk a consumer feels he/she is taking when purchasing a product. Negative or unexpected consequences a consumer fears may occur as a result of making the wrong purchase decision. A high-priced, complex, durable good like an automobile has a higher perceived risk than a low-priced, consumable commodity like hand soap. The greater the perceived risk, the more likely it is that the consumer will seek information about the product and the recommendations and experiences of peers before Buying. Educated, self-confident, affluent consumers are less likely than others to perceive risk. In a situation with high perceived risk, the consumer is more likely to purchase the same brand repeatedly or to purchase a leading brand or one with performance guarantees and warranties. New products or brands will be avoided. 4.0 LAUNCHING THE PRODUCT The primary goal of marketing communications is to build awareness of the business, its products, and its position through customer-facing materials such as brochures, press releases, internet, media, billboards, and road shows. Planning an integrated and consistent cross-team approach to these activities, one that reinforces a companys message with target audiences and motivates customers to buy is very important in launching a product. Mini Cooper is being launched in Mumbai and Delhi by positioning through customer facing materials like brochures, press release, web sites, media and road shows etc. Advertising is a form of communication used to influence individuals to purchase products or services or support political candidates or ideas. Frequently it communicates a message that includes the name of the product or service and how that product or service could potentially benefit the consumer. Advertising often attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume a particular brand of product or service. Modern advertising developed with the rise of mass production in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The major part in launching of a product is opening of showrooms. Showrooms of Mini Cooper will be more attractive and impressive for the customers. A showroom is an area where merchandise such as car can be displayed. It can also be defined as a room in a business set aside for the display of th e companys products. The three models of Mini Coopers in different colors will be displayed in the showroom. Customers can visit the showroom and book their minis hassle free without any problems. Customers are also offered with test drives if required. This will help the customers to understand practically about Mini and will also be helpful for them to buy the car with a clear mind as a result they will be happy to purchase the car without having any perceived risks in mind. Showrooms will be opened at the commercial area of the cities so that it will be easy for the customers. BROCHURES: A small booklet or pamphlet containing promotional material or product information is known as a brochure. Its a type of folding leaflet, literary advertisement. A brochure advertises about the location, products and services. They are actually in attractive slogans and eye-catching designs. Direct mails and trade shows are common ways to distribute brochures to introduce a product or service. The two most common types of brochures styles are single sheet or folded booklet leaflet form. Compared with a flyer or a handbill, a brochure usually uses higher-quality paper, more color, and is folded. In launching the Mini in the market, brochures are being used as one of the customer facing materials or advertisements. With the help of brochures, the people will come to know about the product and will take an initiative to visit the showroom and to check with the websites. The brochures will be made of high quality and will be printed in attractive colors and impressive slogans will be given. Free test drives will be added in the brochures to attract the customers. The address of the showroom and a map will be printed in the brochures for the customers. These brochures will be supplied to the public in the commercial areas and city centre. PRESS RELEASE: A public relations announcement issued to the news media and other targeted publications for the purpose of letting the public know about the launching of product and services is known as press release. A press release is a written or recorded communication directed at members of the news media for the purpose of announcing something claimed as having news value. Typically, they are mailed, faxed, or e-mailed to assignment editors at newspapers, magazines, radio stations, television stations, and television networks. Commercial press-release distribution services are also used to distribute them. A press release will be taking place one the showrooms are opened. Only the basic informations will be relieved to the public. In the press Release, the description of the product and services will be described to the public. The location of the showroom will also be relieved. INTERNET advertising is rapidly growing and is said to be the fastest growing sector within the advertising industry. The Internet has brought media to a global audience. Internet advertising ties together creative and technical aspects of the Internet, including: design, development and sales. Internet advertising is relatively inexpensive when compared to the ratio of cost against the reach of the target audience. Companies can reach a wide audience with the help of internet advertising. The nature of the medium allows consumers to research and purchase products and services at their own convenience. Therefore, businesses have the advantage of appealing to consumers in a medium that can bring results quickly. A website is introduced in the name of Mini Cooper. All the informations regarding the product is included in the website. The different models and the colors will be shown attractively to grab the attention of the customers. The customers will be given an option to book their car online through the website. The customers can also book for the test drives online. MEDIA: Ever since mass media became mass media, companies have naturally used this means of communications to let a large number of people know about their products. Two types of media advertisements are as follows: published media and visual or aural media. Newspaper, magazines and internet comes under published media and television and radio comes under visual or aural media. Advertisements in famous newspapers and magazines will be given for the Mini Cooper. Attractive slogans like MINI HITS INDIAN ROADS will be given on magazines and newspapers with colourful pictures of Mini Cooper. Advertisements in televisions will become livelier with the presence of celebrities with the Mini Cooper. Radio advertisements will also be given. Media will cover the major part of advertisement compared to the other types. BILLBOARDS: are large outdoor advertising structures. A billboard presents large advertisements to passing pedestrians and drivers. It is highly visible in the top designated market areas. Billboard advertisements are designed to catch a persons attention and create a memorable impression very quickly, leaving the reader thinking about the advertisement after they have driven past it. They have to be readable in a very short time because they are usually read while being passed at high speeds. Thus there are usually only a few words, in large print, and a humorous or arresting image in brilliant color. Attractive billboards with impressive colors and slogans will be placed at many places in the city. These will help the consumers to be aware of the car. The billboards will be very simple and clear for the public. The cars will be printed on the billboards. Billboards are very useful for the public to know about the launching of the product. ROAD SHOWS: are kinds of advertisement of the product. Basically a road show is nothing but a show of cars on the road in the public. These road shows will be attractive to customers as they see them on the road. Some number of Minis will be driven on the road in the city so that people become familiarized with the product launch. And they will also be parked alongside the road as a road show. Different colors of Mini Cooper will also be on the road show. Discounts and offers will be given to the customers on the early stage for the development of product in the market. It is very important because customers are more attracted towards discount and offers. Surprise gifts will be given to the first fifty customers who book Mini Cooper. The customers will be provided with the facility of Mini Cooper service stations in Mumbai and Delhi. First two services will be free of cost for the car. Cars will be picked and dropped at the customers place for service and it will also be free of charge. Accessories like seat covers, alloy wheels, music player etc will be available at the showroom. Customers can buy them at lesser prices. CONCLUSION: Thus the launching of Mini Cooper will be done effectively and efficiently. Customer satisfaction is more important for a sound business. We will promise to give our best to our customers to satisfy them. Mini Cooper will maintain its level of brand and will become a great success in India. With its great success Mini Cooper will be launched in more cities with more models in India. REFERENCE How the MINI Cooper Works, by Jonathan Strickland,, retrieved 2009-12-12

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Contradiction in Another Country :: Another

Contradiction in Another Country Another Country contradicts the age-old principle that the United States is a safeground for all people. James Baldwin compares living the life of a homosexual in Paris to living the life of a homosexual in the United States. The views of the French are much more liberal than the conservative views of the Americans. The life that Eric, the homosexual character in Baldwin's novel, leads in Paris is socially acceptable. Baldwin also depicts France as a haven for interracial relationships. Eric believes that living an openly homosexual life in Paris is more satisfying, rewarding, comfortable and protected because his choice of life is widely accepted by the French society. In Paris, everyone feels comfortable. Everyone feels free to live his or her own life and not adhere to the rules that society establishes. Homosexuals have the liberty to walk down the street, sit in public parks and show affection towards their partner free of worry, without the fear of "alley cats". The people of Paris condone and support Eric's happiness, as seen in this passage: "I see that. You seem much happier. There's a kind of light around you. She said this very directly, with a rueful, conspiratorial smile: as though she knew the cause of his happiness, and rejoiced for him" (234). In contrast, New Yorkers have a entirely different attitude toward homosexuality. New York is confined by America's conservative views. The New York society functions on the principle that different is bad. Anyone who strays from the norms of society is a threat. The people in New York vocalize their disdain for homosexuals and in some cases even threaten physical violence against those who are bold enough to come out of hiding. Eric describes the New York atmosphere to his partner using the metaphor "alleys and alley cats" to represent those who prey on the openly homosexual. He comments: "Getting you into America is going to be hassle enough, baby, let's not rock the boat. Besides, New York is full of alley cats. And alleys" (Baldwin 190). In addition, France proves to be a haven for interracial relationships as well. As seen in Another Country, the French society does not frown upon relationship between the races.