Monday, December 30, 2019

Samuel Becketts Waiting for Godot - God Isnt Coming Essay

Waiting for Godot - God Isnt Coming Waiting for Godot, Samuel Becketts existential masterpiece, for some odd reason has captured the minds of millions of readers, artists, and critics worldwide, joining them all in an attempt to interpret the play. Beckett has told them not to read anything into his work, yet he does not stop them. Perhaps he recognizes the human quality of bringing personal experiences and such to the piece of art, and interpreting it through such colored lenses. Hundreds of theories are expounded, all of them right and none of them wrong. A play is only what you bring to it, in a subconscious connection between you and the playwright. One popular interpretation of Waiting for Godot relates it to the†¦show more content†¦What else is revealed about Godots personality? ESTRAGON: And if we dropped him? (Pause.) If we dropped him? VLADIMIR: Hed punish us. (p. 59 B) VLADIMIR: ...Unless Godot comes. ESTRAGON: And if he comes? VLADIMIR: Well be saved. (p. 60 B) Godot is vengeful, yet is also a savior to them. If they leave, they will be punished. Stay, and they are rewarded. Sounds an awful lot like the Judeo-Christian-Islam God. Godot represent a relief from this empty and boring stage, which perhaps represents life. We are all waiting for something, its how we fill in the time until whatever is going to happen happens that is the subject of the play. Life has no meaning - this play has no meaning. VLADIMIR: How time flies when one has fun! (p. 49 A) Time is flying? But these two can not measure time; for them there is no beginning, and until Godot shows up, there is no end. The time in-between two indeterminate points is one of the subject of this play. What are we supposed to do with our time in this life while waiting for the Judgement Day? Didi and Gogo have fun. Another good shot at Godot as God is his name, Godot. Let me say that again... GOD-ot. Well, maybe its a stretch, but the very fact that you could say, without resorting to actually moving the letters around, Waiting for God, seems to have some significance. Further, the title in French include the pronoun On, which has the connotation of meaningShow MoreRelatedOverview of Three Interpretations of Samuel Becketts Waiting for Godot3226 Words   |  13 Pages Samuel Beckett wrote Waiting for Godot between October 1948 and January 1949. Since its premiere in January of 1953, it has befuddled and confounded critics and audiences alike. Some find it to be a meandering piece of drivel; others believe it to be genius. Much of the strain between the two sides stems from one simple question. What does this play mean? Even within camps where Waiting for Godot is heralded, the lack of clarity and consensus brings about a tension and discussion that has lastedRead MoreThe Absence Of God Wi thin Lucky s Speech1224 Words   |  5 PagesThe Absence of God within Lucky’s Speech Lucky’s monologue is the most confusing and, of course, the deepest part of the play. Towards the middle of part one in Samuel Beckett’s â€Å"Waiting for Godot†, the character called Lucky gives a â€Å"speech† to the audience. Of course, the first time viewing this, nobody understood the message given. How could you? It’s just a bunch of gibberish and nonsense. Except, Lucky’s speech isn’t just formless nonsense, it is simply dissolution of form. Lucky delivers

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Leadership Assessment Of A Leader - 876 Words

Leadership Assessment Successful Leader: The key to being a successful leader is tobbe diverse and trusting. As a leader, it is crucial to have a diverse perspective and understanding of both your followers and the ultimate goal of you company or organization. A leader cannot easily motivate a group to participate if there is not an understanding of each individual’s perspective and background. When this aspect is ignored the team member feels excluded from the project and loses motivation. It is also important to have a diverse perspective towards the goal or mission of the team because other important factors that may matter to the public could be ignored when the leader is too focused on one factor of the project. In order to actually be a leader, one must also have trust in its team. A leader cannot lead without any followers, therefore, the leader must trust its followers when it comes to taking care of specific task for the project. MBTI ASSESSMENT Measuring: This assessment reports which of the sixteen different personality types best describes you, based on the answers provided when the assessment was taken. The results of the personality type given is made up of preferences in four separate categories that describe the typical go about noticing and thinking about things and interaction with society. Results: After taking the MBTI Assessment, my results reported that my personality type code is ISTJ (Introversion, Sensing,Show MoreRelatedUnderstanding Human Behavior1257 Words   |  5 Pagesand the organization is usually described as organizational behavior since its mainly geared towards understanding and forecasting human behavior. For organizational leaders, understanding human behavior is a critical skill that has direct impacts on the success of the organization. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Frantz Fanon Free Essays

Theoretical and postcolonial pioneer activist, who wrote in 1960 in the context of the French occupation of Algeria, Frantz Fanon through his seminal work, The Damned of the Earth (1961) and the black skin, white masks (1967) analyzed the effects of colonialism both on the colonizer and on the colonized. Fanon argued that the native develops a sense of â€Å"self† as defined by the â€Å"colonial master† through representation and discourse, while the colonizer develops a sense of superiority. Thus, Fanon developed a psychoanalytic theory of postcolonialism in suggesting that â€Å"I† Europe develops their relationship and encounter with the â€Å"other†. We will write a custom essay sample on Frantz Fanon or any similar topic only for you Order Now In an attempt to tackle the psychological failure, the native tries to be as white as possible, adopting the values, religion, language and Western white practices and rejecting his own culture. Fanon calls this phenomenon by placing white masks on the black skin, which translates into a duality and experiences a schizophrenic atmosphere. Furthermore, the sense of inadequacy and insecurity in the psyche of results colonized in violence, which is a form of self-affirmation. Fanon argued that the sense of â€Å"inadequacy and inferiority in the colonized psyche translates into violence, which according to the natives is a form of self-affirmation†. This violence even explodes against its natives, when the native realizes that he can not really be â€Å"white†. Thus, tribal wars, for Fanon, are an example of this violence, generated through the colonial system, where the natives face. , tormented by the inability to rebel against the colonial master. In The Wretched of the Earth, Fanon proposed the idea of a national literature and a national culture, recognizing the importance of cultural nationalism, which leads to national consciousness. He tried to support a wider pan-African cause, because blacks had to create their stories and rewrite their stories. Fanon believed that such a national culture should draw on African cultural myths and practices. He made the three phases in which a national culture: native under the influence of the culture of the colonizer, tries to emulate and assimilate discarding his own culture (what Homi K. Bhabha later called mimicry). recognizes native and discovering the great disparity that can never be too much is too white or white for the colonizer to treat him from equal peers, and returns to study his own culture, with a romantic and festive way. However, in the third phase, the native is truly anti-colonial, accompanied by a critical analysis of his own culture. However, Fanon also foresaw the other side of cultural nationalism, which can lead to xenophobia and intolerance. He realized that national culture had limited value, to help define the native culture against the overwhelming assault of the colonial. Another limitation of the cultural nationalism that Fanon underlined is that he would not guarantee the correction of the working classes and the oppressed. Therefore, although its concept of cultural nationalism was representative, it was also materialistic and economic. He also proposed a dynamic culture that must be critically evaluated and respond to changing socio-historical circumstances. Another prophetic argument was that after political independence, the power struggle between the colonizer and the native resurgence in the road between the native elite and the rest of the post-colonial society and oppression, exploitation and corruption continue, as is reflected in the beauty of Ayi Kwei Armah is not yet born. How to cite Frantz Fanon, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

One Art Bishop Essay Example For Students

One Art Bishop Essay Every person loses sometimes. In Elizabeth Bishops poem One Art, Bishop displays her accepting attitude to losing. Using verse form and language, Bishop is able to express her different feelings about losing. Because of her experiences with loss, the poet is able to express her attitude towards loss. Throughout the poem, verse form plays an important role in Elizabeth Bishops description of losing. Every tercet from lines 1 to 15 helps to describe that the speaker something everyday. Through the repetition of master and disaster in the first five tercets, Bishop creates a tolerant mood. Following the verse form of a villanelle, the poet abruptly changes the mood in the last quatrain. Instead of letting her accepting mood prevail through the entire poem, Bishop changes her tone into one of agony. By contrasting what does and does not bring disaster, the speaker shows that losing isnt hard to master. This refrain is seen in every other stanza and serves as a reminder that losing is easy. While Bishop comments on the fact that it is easy to lose, she explains situations that would not bring a disaster. Only in the last stanza does the poet finally admit to the fact that there are things that may look like disaster. Through verse form, the writer is able to expound on her compliant attitude towards losing. Not only does verse form contribute to the description of Elizabeth Bishops feelings towards losing, but language also has a role in elaborating on her feelings. Through the entire poem, words such as lose, lost, and miss help to show the accepting attitude the poet feels about losing. The speaker loses small items such as door keys all the way to large items such as a continent all of which do not cause damage. In the last stanza, Bishops mood changes when she loses a friend and realizes that even though losing happens all the time, sometimes it can cause harm. In the last stanza the poet also uses a parenthetical exclamatory sentence to show her distress over her lost friend. By saying write it, the writer urges herself to write what is painful for her to say. Using language to expound on her increasingly distraught feelings, Bishop is able to show her attitude towards loss. During most of the poem, Bishop creates a mood that is carefree about loss. Only when she loses her friend does the speaker realize that loss can cause disaster. Elizabeth Bishops tone throughout the poem expresses her changing attitude towards loss.