Monday, April 20, 2020

Shoehorn Sonata - Distinctively Visual free essay sample

The relationship between our two protagonist Bridie and Sheila is a strained one that leads to fragile results, the viewer understands this through the moments were both of them argue all the time or the cutting sarcastic remarks that are left by Bridie. the irony with the postcards send by sheilas mother raffles bombed. daddy devastated. chin up. mother and the message from the australian prime minister greetings and keep smiling the irony is then proved with the quote from sheila they were skin and bone and covered in boils and theyd just been told to keep smiling! of course this turns out to be immensely funny to the women and they couldnt stop laughing. the terror when bridie and sheila are stranded in the water and they accidentally catch the attention of a japanese ship with its flag raised high like this visual technique is enacted my the projector as it shows a large japanese flag, the blood-red rising sun, which is gradually illuminated as the scene continues (stage directi ons from the playbook). We will write a custom essay sample on Shoehorn Sonata Distinctively Visual or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page he terror is then penetrated by the harsh japanese voices being filtered through the sound system and the older sheila and bridie hold hands giving the look of complete vulnerability as they stand in the spotlight and stare straight ahead as if encompassed by the memory. this allows the audience to see the strength of the bond that these two protagonists share as they relive that which they wish to forget. sometimes even the most horrible of situations have a silver lining this is proven when sheila and bridie play a prank on a guard they refer to as ipstick. Larry, (so named because of his habit of punching women who wore lipstick) with dire consequences they had sown a rusty pin into his loin cloth so that when it came time to bow the pin would stick painfully somewhere into his male anatomy which led to bridie being savagely beaten even so bridie and sheila laughed and still seemed to think that it was the best part of the war. that in turn made their new bond that much stronger and it continued to grow with each event, object, and barrier that crossed their path. he biggest barrier that they ever faced was when bridie got deathly ill and sheila went and sold herself for some tables this visual is knocked into the audiences mind by the shear sincerity that is shared when bridie says she went to the jap. and sold herself to him for some tablets. she was beautiful, kind and brave young woman. she wasnt just my friend.

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